Graphics::Framebuffer - A Simple Framebuffer Graphics Library
use Graphics::Framebuffer;
my $fb = Graphics::Framebuffer->new();
$fb->set_color({'red' => 255, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 255});
$fb->plot({'x' => 28, 'y' => 79,'pixel_size' => 1});
$fb->drawto({'x' => 405,'y' => 681,'pixel_size' => 1});
$fb->circle({'x' => 200, 'y' => 200, 'radius' => 100, 'filled' => 1});
A (mostly) Pure Perl graphics library for exclusive use in a console framebuffer environment. It is written for simplicity without the need for complex API's and drivers.
Back in the old days, computers drew graphics this way, and it was simple and easy to do. I was writing a console based media playing program, and was not satisfied with the limited abilities offered by the Curses library, and I did not want the overhead of the X environment to get in the way. My intention was to create a mobile media server. In case you are wondering, that project has been quite successful, and I am still making improvements to it.
There are places where Pure Perl just won't cut it. So I use the Imager library to take up the slack. It's just used to load and save images, and draw TrueType text.
I cannot guarantee this will work on your video card, but I have successfully tested it on NVidia GeForce, AMD Radeon, Matrox, and VirtualBox displays. However, you MUST remember, your video driver MUST be framebuffer based. The proprietary Nvidia and AMD drivers will NOT work with this module. You must use the open source video drivers, such as Nouveau, to be able to use this library. Also, it is not going to work from within X, so don't even try it. This is a console only graphics library.
I highly suggest you use 32 bit mode and avoid 16 bit, as it has been a long time since I tested it on a 16 bit graphics mode.
This instantiates the framebuffer object
my $fb = Graphics::Framebuffer->new(parameter => value);
Emulation Mode Only! Otherwise, parameters are ignored.
Width of the emulation framebuffer. Default is 640.
Height of the emulation framebuffer. Default is 480.
Number of bits per pixel in the emulation framebuffer. Default is 32.
Number of bytes per pixel in the emulation framebuffer. It's best to keep it BITS/8. Default is 4.
Unmaps the SCREEN and closes the framebuffer. This is usually automatically called when the object is destroyed.
Returns the size of the framebuffer in X,Y pixel values.
my ($width,$height) = $fb->screen_dimensions();
Sets or returns the drawing mode, depending on how it is called.
my $draw_mode = $fb->draw_mode();
Fills the entire screen with the background color
The same as clear_screen
Resets the plot point at 0,0. Resets clipping to the current screen size. Resets the global color to white and resets the drawing mode to NORMAL.
Set a single pixel in the globally set color at position x,y with the given pixel size (or default). Clipping applies.
$fb->plot({'x' => 20,'y' => 30, 'pixel_size' => 3});
Draws a line, in the global color, from the last plotted position to the position x,y. Clipping applies.
'x' => 50,
'y' => 60,
'pixel_size' => 2
Draws an arc of a circle at point x,y.
x = x of center of circle
y = y of center of circle
radius = radius of circle
start_degrees = starting point, in degrees, of arc
end_degrees = ending point, in degrees, of arc
granularity = This is used for accuracy in drawing
the arc. The smaller the number, the
more accurate the arc is drawn, but it
is also slower. Values between 0.1
and 0.01 are usually good.
mode = Specifies the drawing mode.
0 > arc only
1 > Filled pie section
2 > Poly arc. Draws a line from x,y to the
beginning and ending arc position.
'x' => 100,
'y' => 100,
'radius' => 100,
'start_degrees' => -40,
'end_degrees' => 80,
'grandularity => .05,
'mode' => 2
Draw an ellipse at center position x,y with XRadius, YRadius. Either a filled out outline is drawn based on the value of $filled. The optional factor value varies from the default 1 to change the look and nature of the output. Clipping Applies.
'x' => 200,
'y' => 250,
'xradius' => 50,
'yradius' => 100,
'filled' => 0,
'pixel_size' => 4
A wrapper for 'ellipse'. I generally only needs x,y, and radius, but filled and pixel_size are also allowed.
'x' => 300,
'y' => 300,
'radius' => 100,
'filled' => 1,
Creates an empty polygon drawn in the global color value. The parameter 'coordinates' is an array of x,y values. The last x,y combination is connected automatically with the first to close the polygon. All x,y values are absolute, not relative. Clipping applies.
'coordinates' => [5,5,23,34,7,7],
'pixel_size' => 4
Draws a box from point x,y to point xx,yy, either as an outline, if 'filled' is 0, or as a filled block, if 'filled' is 1.
'x' => 20,
'y' => 50,
'xx' => 70,
'yy' => 100,
'filled' => 1,
Draws a box at point x,y with the width 'width' and height 'height'. It draws a frame if 'filled' is 0 or a filled box if 'filled' is 1. 'pixel_size' only applies if 'filled' is 0.
'x' => 100,
'y' => 100,
'width' => 200,
'height' => 150,
'filled' => 0,
'pixel_size' => 2
Sets the drawing color in red, green, and blue, absolute values.
'red' => 255,
'green' => 255,
'blue' => 0
Sets the background color in red, green, and blue values.
'red' => 0,
'green' => 0,
'blue' => 255
Returns the color of the pixel at coordinate x,y.
my ($pixel_red,$pixel_green,$pixel_blue) = $fb->pixel({'x' => 20,'y' => 25});
Does a flood fill starting at point x,y. It samples the color at that point and determines that color to be the "background" color, and proceeds to fill in, with the current global color, until the "backround" color is replaced with the new color. Clipping applies.
BECAUSE OF ITS RECURSIVE NATURE, IT CAN CHOW DOWN ON MEMORY LIKE IT IS GOING OUT OF STYLE! Memory is restored when complete, but be prepared to see a lot disappear while it is running! This is a stack issue.
$fb->fill({'x' => 334, 'y' => 23});
This replaces one color with another inside the clipping region. Sort of like a fill without boundary checking.
'old_red' => 23,
'old_green' => 48,
'old_blue' => 98,
'new_red' => 255,
'new_green' => 255,
'new_blue' => 0
Copies a square portion of screen graphic data from x,y,w,h to x_dest,y_dest. It copies in the current drawing mode.
'x' => 20,
'y' => 20,
'width' => 30,
'height' => 30,
'x_dest' => 200,
'y_dest' => 200
Reads in a square portion of screen data at x,y,width,height, and returns the block of raw data as a string.
my $blit_data = $fb->blit_read({
'x' => 30,
'y' => 50,
'width' => 100,
'height' => 100
Writes a previously read block of screen data at x,y,width,height.
'x' => 0,
'y' => 0,
'width' => 100,
'height' => 100,
'image' => $blit_data
Turns off clipping, and resets the clipping values to the full size of the screen.
Sets the clipping rectangle starting at the top left point x,y and ending at bottom right point xx,yy.
'x' => 10,
'y' => 10,
'xx' => 300,
'yy' => 300
Sets the clipping rectangle to point x,y,width,height
'x' => 10,
'y' => 10,
'width' => 600,
'height' => 400
Prints TrueType text on the screen at point x,y in the rectangle width,height, using the color 'color', and the face 'face'.
This is best called twice, first in bounding box mode, and then in normal mode.
Returns the TrueType face name based on the parameters passed. It uses the exact same parameters as the ttf_print method.
Loads an image at point x,y[,width,height]
If 'width' and/or 'height' is given, the image is resized
Dumps the screen to a file given in 'file'. This is a RAW dump.
Converts 24 bit color values to 16 bit color values.
Converts 32 bit color values to 16 bit
Converts 24 bit color to 32 bit color
Richard Kelsch <>
Copyright 2013 Richard Kelsch, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Version 4.06 (July 19, 2014)