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# A simple utility to view a picture from the command line
# The first option should be the file name to show
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time);
# use Data::Dumper::Simple;$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
$SIG{'QUIT'} = sub { exec('reset'); };
$SIG{'INT'} = sub { exec('reset'); };
my $args = join('', @ARGV);
my $file = 0;
$file = 1 if ($args =~ /file/i);
my $dev = 0;
if ($args =~ /(\d+)/) {
($dev) = $1;
my $f = Graphics::Framebuffer->new(
'FB_DEVICE' => "/dev/fb$dev",
'SPLASH' => 0,
'FILE_MODE' => $file
# This centers and shows the picture by proportionally scaling the height and width
my %p = (
'width' => $f->{'XRES'},
'height' => $f->{'YRES'},
'file' => $ARGV[-1]
# $p{'noscale'} = 1 if ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.gif$/i);
my $image = $f->load_image(\%p);
# warn ref($image),"\n\n",Dumper($image->[0]->{'tags'}),"\n\n";exit;
if (ref($image) eq 'ARRAY') {
while (1) {
foreach my $frame (0 .. (scalar(@{$image}) - 1)) {
my $begin = time;
my $delay = ($image->[$frame]->{'tags'}->{'gif_delay'} / 100) - (time - $begin);
sleep $delay if ($delay > 0);
} ## end foreach my $frame (0 .. (scalar...))
} ## end while (1)
} else {
sleep 3;
=head1 NAME
Picture View
Single image (or animation) viewer
perl viewpic.pl [file] [device number] [full] "path to image"
=head1 OPTIONS
Like the name implies, these are all optional, and can be entered in any order, EXCEPT for the file path.
=over 2
=item C<device Number> (just the number)
A number from 0 - 31 indicating which framebuffer device to render to
=item C<file>
Tells it to render in file handle mode instead of memory mapped string mode.
=item C<full>
Tells it to scale (proportionally) all images (and animations) to full screen.