NAME directories with FTP.


use Tk::RemoteFileSelect;

my $dialog;  # Reference to RemoteFileSelect widget.
my $file;    # File selected in the widget.

$dialog = $mw -> RemoteFileSelect( -directory => '.' );
$file = $dialog -> Show;


A RemoteFileSelect dialog displays list boxes for subdirectories and files, a directory entry and a file name entry, and buttons for each of the widget's operations.

Tk::RemoteFileSelect -> Show () returns the file's path name when clicking on the, "Accept," button. Show () also returns a file name after pressing, "Enter," after typing a name in the file entry, or after double clicking on a file name.

If Net::FTP is installed, RemoteFileSelect enables the, "Host," button. Clicking on, "Host," prompts for the name of a remote system, and user name and password. After logging in with FTP, the dialog can browse and select files using the remote FTP server.

When selecting files without logging in to a remote system, RemoteFileSelect returns the file's path like a Tk::FileSelect dialog.

After logging in to a FTP server, however, RemoteFileSelect returns path names of files in the the following format.


If RemoteFileSelect cannot find and load Net::FTP, then the widget behaves like a FileSelect dialog, and the, "Host," button is grayed out.


Name: width
Switch: -width

Width of the file and directory list boxes.

Name: height
Switch: -height

Height of the file and directory list boxes.

Name: directory
Switch: -directory
Name: initialdir
Switch: -initialdir

Specifies the initial directory when selecting files on a local system.

Name: remotedirectory
Switch: -remotedirectory

Specifies the initial directory to start in after connecting to remote hosts. Value may be a directory or a hash reference which specifies host and directory; e.g.

-remotedirectory => { host1 => /some/directory, host2 => /other/directory }
Name: filelabel
Switch: -filelabel

Text of the file entry label.

Name: filelistlabel
Switch: -filelistlabel

Text of the file list box title.

Name: filter
Switch: -filter

Display file names that match the file glob pattern of the value.

Name: hostname
Switch: -hostname

Initial value of the remote host name.

Name: transcript
Switch: -transcript

Print a transcript of the FTP session to standard output.

Name: userid
Switch: -userid

The initial value of the remote user ID.

Name: dirlistlabel
Switch: -dirlistlabel

Text of the directory list title.

Name: dirlabel
Switch: -dirlabel

Text of the directory entry label.

Name: acceptlabel
Switch: -acceptlabel

Text of the Accept button label.

Name: hostlabel
Switch: -hostlabel

Text of the Host button label.

Name: cancellabel
Switch: -cancellabel

Text of the Cancel button label.

Name: resetlabel
Switch: -resetlabel

Text of the Reset button label.

Name: homelabel
Switch: -homelabel

Text of the Home button label.

Name: uidlabel
Switch: -uidlabel

Text of the user name entry label.

Name: pwdlabel
Switch: -pwdlabel

Text of the password entry label.

Name: verify
Switch: -verify

The value is an anonymous array that contains the operators for file verification, normally qw(! -d -w).


The -initialfile, -userid, and -password values do not appear in the entry widgets.

Older versions of Net::FTP (for example, the version distributed with Perl 5.6.1), can cause Perl/Tk windows to freeze when changing to a subdirectory of a directory referred to by a symbolic link.


Version 0.60.


Robert Kiesling <>, based on Tk::FileSelect.

Persistent login information added by

Licensed under the same terms as Perl. Refer to the file, "Artistic," for information.


Tk(3), Tk::FileSelect(3)

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 52:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 181:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'