UnixODBC::DriverConf - Properties for UnixODBC drivers.


use UnixODBC qw(:all);
use UnixODBC::DriverConf qw(:all);

# Object-oriented Interface

my $self = new UnixODBC::DriverConf;

$self -> ConstructProperties ($driver);

# Methods for accessing properties
$self -> Values;
$self -> Help;
$self -> PromptType;
$self -> PromptData;

# Configuration Modes
$self -> SQLSetConfigMode ($mode);
$mode = $self -> SQLGetConfigMode ();

my @drivers = $self -> SQLGetInstalledDrivers ();
my @drivers = $self -> SQLGetAvailableDrivers ();

$r = $self -> SQLValidDSN ($dsn);

$confpath = $self -> odbcinst_system_file_path ();

$s = $self -> GetProfileString ($section, $keyword, $filename);
$self -> WriteProfileString ($section, $newprofilestring, $filename);

@dsn = $self -> GetDSN ($name, $filename);
$self -> WriteDSN (\@template, $filename);

# Procedural Interface

my @drivers = SQLGetInstalledDrivers ();
# Synonym for SQLGetInstalledDrivers ();
my @drivers = SQLGetAvailableDrivers ();

$r = SQLValidDSN ($dsn);

$confpath = odbcinst_system_file_path ();
@dsn = GetDSN ($name, $filename);
WriteDSN (\@template, $filename);


UnixODBC::DriverConf extracts and accesses properties of driver-specific libraries, and provides procedural interfaces for libodbcinst's configuration functions.

UnixODBC Configuration

Each ODBC-accessible DBMS has an ODBC driver defined for it. The file odbcinst.ini contains site-specific values for each property. Properties and their values depend on the DBMS server's Application Programming Interface.

Each ODBC accessible database must have a Data Source Name defined for it. DSNs are contained in the file, odbc.ini. Each DSN specifies driver and configuration libraries, a database name, and the host name. Additional values depend on the properties defined by the driver library.

The function, odbcinst_system_file_path (), returns the directory of odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini.

ConstructProperties () retrieves driver properties. The methods, Values (), Help (), PromptType (), and PromptData (), return the each property's value, documentation string, prompt type, and prompt data.

This program lists the properties of a PostgreSQL driver and their values.

  use UnixODBC qw(:all);
  use UnixODBC::DriverConf qw(:all);

  my $self = new UnixODBC::DriverConf;
  $self -> ConstructProperties ('PostgreSQL 7.x');

  foreach (keys %{$self -> Values}) { print "$_ = ". 
		 $self -> Values -> {$_} . "\n"; }

This is the program's output.

Description = PostgreSQL 7.x
TraceFile = 
Password = 
Protocol = 6.4
Name = 
Servername = localhost
Driver = PostgreSQL 7.x
Trace = No
ShowOidColumn = No
ShowSystemTables = No
Database = 
Port = 5432
FakeOidIndex = No
Username = 
RowVersioning = No
ReadOnly = No
ConnSettings = 

DSN and driver section headings in odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini are delimited by brackets. An example odbcinst.ini section for a MySQL-MyODBC Driver is given below.

[MySQL 3.23.49]
Description   = MySQL-MyODBC Sample - Edit for your system.
Driver        = /usr/local/lib/
Setup         = /usr/local/lib/
FileUsage     = 1
CPTimeout     = 
CPReuse       = 

A DSN named definition that uses the driver is shown here.

Description   = Names and Addresses Sample - Edit for your system.
Driver        = MySQL 3.23.49
Server        = localhost
Port          = 3396
Socket        = /tmp/mysql.sock
Database      = Contacts

An odbc.ini entry for a DSN that defines values the PostgreSQL driver library properties is shown here.

Description           = Sample DSN - Edit for your system.
Driver                = PostgreSQL 7.x
Trace                 = No
TraceFile             = 
Database              = gutenberg
Servername            = localhost
Username              = postgres
Password              = postgres
Port                  = 5432
Protocol              = 6.4
ReadOnly              = No
RowVersioning         = No
ShowSystemTables      = No
ShowOidColumn         = No
FakeOidIndex          = No
ConnSettings          = 
Server                = localhost


ConstructProperties (driver)

Retrieve the driver properties. This method is not automatically called by new ().

$self -> ConstructProperties ($driver);

GetDSN (dsn, filename)

Returns a list of the template of dsn from filename.

my @dsn = $self -> GetDSN ('mydsn', '/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini');

GetProfileString (section, keyword, conffile)

Return a profile string.

$s = $self -> GetProfileString ($driver, $keyword, $conffile);

Help ()

Return a hash of properties' documentation strings, if any.

%docs = $self -> Help;

new ()

UnixODBC::DriverConf constructor.

my $self = new UnixODBC::DriverConf;

PromptData ()

Return default values for each property, if any. Each value is separated by a newline ("\n");

# Default values for "Protocol" property.
my %promptdefaults = $self -> PromptData;
foreach (split "\n", $prompromptdefaults{Protocol}) { print "$_\n"; }

PromptType ()

Return type of each prompt. The type can be


$self -> PromptType;

SQLGetAvailableDrivers ()

A synonym for "SQLGetInstalledDrivers ()".

SQLGetConfigMode ()

Return the libodbcinst configuration mode.  Mode may be one of:


$mode = $self -> SQLGetConfigMode; 

SQLGetInstalledDrivers ()

Returns a list of installed drivers.

# List the installed ODBC drivers
my @drivers = SQLGetInstalledDrivers ();
foreach (@drivers) {print "$_\n";}

SQLSetConfigMode (mode)

Set the UnixODBC configuration mode. The parameter may be one of:


SQLValidDSN (dsnname)

Returns true if dsnname has a length > 0 and does not contain the following characters: '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')', ',', ';', '?', '*', '=', '!', '@', or '\'. Returns false otherwise.

odbcinst_system_file_path ();

Return the directory name of the unixODBC configuration files.

WriteProfileString (section, newprofilestring, conffile)

Write a profile string to conffile.

$self -> WriteProfileString ($section, $newprofilestring, $conffile);

Values ()

Return a hash of values for each property.

%values = $self -> Values;

WriteDSN (templateref, filename)

Writes the template array reference templateref to filename.

my $template = ['[MyDSN]', 
                'prop1 = val1',
                'prop2 = val2',
                'prop3 = val3'];

$self -> WriteDSN ($template, '/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini');




Version 0.01


Copyright © 2004 Robert Kiesling,

Licensed under the same terms as Perl. Refer to the file, "Artistic," for details.



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 346:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '©'. Assuming CP1252