NAME directories with FTP.


require Tk::RemoteFileSelect;

my $file = $mw -> Tk::RemoteFileSelect( -directory => '.' );


If the Net::FTP module is present, RemoteFileSelect will 
activate an additional "Host" button on the FileSelect
widget, where you can enter the host name, and your user
id and password, and select files on the remote host.

If a file name is selected on the local host, then 
the RemoteFileSelect widget returns the path to the 
file name, the same as a standard FileSelect widget.

If a file is selected on a remote host, then the 
RemoteFileSelect widget returns the name in the form:


RemoteFileSelect requires the Net::FTP module to be 
installed.  If it cannot find and load Net::FTP, the
RemoteFileSelect widget behaves like a standard 
FileSelect widget, and the "Host" button is grayed out. was developed with the Net::FTP
module distributed with libnet-1.0703, from

All other operations function as in a FileSelect widget.
Please refer to the POD documentation.


First development version.

$Revision: 0.53 $

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 804:

=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.