DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base - Base DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader Implementation.
See DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
This is the base class for the storage-specific DBIx::Class::Schema::*
classes, and implements the common functionality between them.
These constructor options are the base options for "loader_options" in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader. Available constructor options are:
Skip setting up relationships. The default is to attempt the loading of relationships.
If set to true, each constructive DBIx::Class statement the loader decides to execute will be warn
-ed before execution.
Set the name of the schema to load (schema in the sense that your database vendor means it). Does not currently support loading more than one schema name.
Only load tables matching regex. Best specified as a qr// regex.
Exclude tables matching regex. Best specified as a qr// regex.
Overrides the default table name to moniker translation. Can be either a hashref of table keys and moniker values, or a coderef for a translator function taking a single scalar table name argument and returning a scalar moniker. If the hash entry does not exist, or the function returns a false value, the code falls back to default behavior for that table name.
The default behavior is: join '', map ucfirst, split /[\W_]+/, lc $table
, which is to say: lowercase everything, split up the table name into chunks anywhere a non-alpha-numeric character occurs, change the case of first letter of each chunk to upper case, and put the chunks back together. Examples:
Table Name | Moniker Name
luser | Luser
luser_group | LuserGroup
luser-opts | LuserOpts
Just like "moniker_map" above (can be hash/code-ref, falls back to default if hash key does not exist or coderef returns false), but acts as a map for pluralizing relationship names. The default behavior is to utilize "to_PL" in Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number.
As "inflect_plural" above, but for singularizing relationship names. Default behavior is to utilize "to_S" in Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number.
Base class for your schema classes. Defaults to 'DBIx::Class::Schema'.
Base class for your table classes (aka result classes). Defaults to 'DBIx::Class'.
List of additional base classes all of your table classes will use.
List of additional base classes all of your table classes will use that need to be leftmost.
List of additional classes which all of your table classes will use.
List of additional components to be loaded into all of your table classes. A good example would be ResultSetManager
List of additional ResultSet components to be loaded into your table classes. A good example would be AlwaysRS
. Component ResultSetManager
will be automatically added to the above components
list if this option is set.
Generate result class names suitable for "load_namespaces" in DBIx::Class::Schema and call that instead of "load_classes" in DBIx::Class::Schema. When using this option you can also specify any of the options for load_namespaces
(i.e. result_namespace
, resultset_namespace
, default_resultset_class
), and they will be added to the call (and the generated result class names adjusted appropriately).
This option is designed to be a tool to help you transition from this loader to a manually-defined schema when you decide it's time to do so.
The value of this option is a perl libdir pathname. Within that directory this module will create a baseline manual DBIx::Class::Schema module set, based on what it creates at runtime in memory.
The created schema class will have the same classname as the one on which you are setting this option (and the ResultSource classes will be based on this name as well).
Normally you wouldn't hard-code this setting in your schema class, as it is meant for one-time manual usage.
See "dump_to_dir" in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader for examples of the recommended way to access this functionality.
Deprecated. See "really_erase_my_files" below, which does *not* mean the same thing as the old dump_overwrite
setting from previous releases.
Default false. If true, Loader will unconditionally delete any existing files before creating the new ones from scratch when dumping a schema to disk.
The default behavior is instead to only replace the top portion of the file, up to and including the final stanza which contains # DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE!
leaving any customizations you placed after that as they were.
When really_erase_my_files
is not set, if the output file already exists, but the aforementioned final stanza is not found, or the checksum contained there does not match the generated contents, Loader will croak and not touch the file.
You should really be using version control on your schema classes (and all of the rest of your code for that matter). Don't blame me if a bug in this code wipes something out when it shouldn't have, you've been warned.
None of these methods are intended for direct invocation by regular users of DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader. Anything you can find here can also be found via standard DBIx::Class::Schema methods somehow.
Constructor for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base, used internally by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader.
Does the actual schema-construction work.
Arguments: schema
Rescan the database for newly added tables. Does not process drops or changes. Returns a list of the newly added table monikers.
The schema argument should be the schema class or object to be affected. It should probably be derived from the original schema_class used during "load".
Returns a sorted list of loaded tables, using the original database table names.
Returns a hashref of loaded table to moniker mappings. There will be two entries for each table, the original name and the "normalized" name, in the case that the two are different (such as databases that like uppercase table names, or preserve your original mixed-case definitions, or what-have-you).
Returns a hashref of table to class mappings. In some cases it will contain multiple entries per table for the original and normalized table names, as above in "monikers".