Changes for version 0.195
- fix further bugs where sometimes a regex search for distributions and/or modules, followed by a distribution search for a specific distribution, didn't properly populate the CONTAINSMODS field
- add CPAN::Shell->reload('index') in the t/05meta.t test to ensure the database is created, and test that it has non-zero size
- fix bug where sometimes a regex module search, followed by a distribution search for a specific distribution, didn't properly set the abstract and version fields
- fix bug in t/05meta_*.t tests so as to correctly compare modules in a distribution.
- honour $Config::CPAN->{index_expire} to decide when to update the database
- improved error checking for the exisitence of the database, including also a check on the size, if it exists, when deciding whether to update or create the database.
interface to CPAN::SQLite
maintain and search a minimal CPAN database
DBI information for the CPAN::SQLite database
DBI information for indexing the CPAN::SQLite database
DBI information for searching the CPAN::SQLite database
set up or update database tables.
extract information from CPAN indices
helper module for integration
create and populate database tables
perform queries on the database
get state information on the database
export some common data structures used by CPAN::SQLite::*