Changes for version 0.89

  • add "return 1" to end of make_ppm of PPM::Make, make_bundle of PPM::Make::Bundle, and ppm_install of PPM::Make::Install, so one can eval() them (suggested by Serguei Trouchelle)
  • if a distribution name can't be found corresponding to a dist or mod argument, die at a stage before trying to find the non-existent file.


make a PPM distribution
make a bundle of ppm packages
build and install a distribution via ppm
generate summary files for a ppm repository


Make a ppm package from a CPAN distribution
make a bundle of ppm packages
Utility functions configuring PPM::Make
build and install a distribution via ppm
Obtain meta information for a ppm package
generate summary files for a ppm repository
Utility functions for PPM::Make