DateTimeX::Easy - Use ::F::Flexible and ::F::Natural for quick and easy DateTime creation
Version 0.04
# Make DateTimeX object for "now":
my $dt = DateTimeX::Easy->new("today");
# Same thing:
my $dt = DateTimeX::Easy->new("now");
# Uses Date::Manip's coolness:
my $dt = DateTimeX::Easy->new("last monday");
# ... but in 1969:
my $dt = DateTimeX::Easy->new("last monday", year => 1969);
# ... at the 100th nanosecond:
my $dt = DateTimeX::Easy->new("last monday", year => 1969, nanosecond => 100);
# ... in US/Eastern: (This will NOT do a timezone conversion)
my $dt = DateTimeX::Easy->new("last monday", year => 1969, nanosecond => 100, timezone => "US/Eastern");
# This WILL do a proper timezone conversion:
my $dt = DateTimeX::Easy->new("last monday", year => 1969, nanosecond => 100, timezone => "US/Pacific");
DateTimeX::Easy makes DateTime object creation quick and easy. It uses DateTime::Format::Flexible and DateTime::Format::Natural to do the bulk of the parsing, with some custom tweaks to smooth out the rough edges (mainly concerning timezone detection).
DateTimeX::Easy->new( ... )
DateTimeX::Easy->parse( ... )
DateTimeX::Easy->parse_datetime( ... )
Parse the given date/time specification using ::F::Flexible or ::F::Natural and use the result to create a DateTimeX object. Returns a DateTime object.
You can pass the following in:
parse # The string or DateTime object to parse.
year # A year to override the result of parsing
month # A month to override the result of parsing
day # A day to override the result of parsing
hour # A hour to override the result of parsing
minute # A minute to override the result of parsing
second # A second to override the result of parsing
truncate # A truncation parameter (e.g. year, day, month, week, etc.)
time_zone # - Can be:
# * A timezone (e.g. US/Pacific, UTC, etc.)
# * A DateTime special timezone (e.g. floating, local)
# * A question mark ('?'), which means to use the timezone parsed from the end of the string, e.g. "... GMT" or "... US/Eastern"
# - If neither "timezone" nor "time_zone" is set, then we'll default to using "?", and then "floating"
# - If a DateTime object was passed in, then the object's timezone will be used unless over-ridden.
# - Either "time_zone" or "timezone" will work, but "time_zone" has precedence
# - WARNING: No timezone conversion takes place, the timezone is essentially appended to the datetime given.
# - See below for examples!
... and anything else that you want to pass to the DateTime->new constructor
If truncate
is specificied, then DateTime->truncate will be run after object creation.
Furthermore, you can simply pass the value for "parse" as the first positional argument of the DateTimeX::Easy call, e.g.:
# This:
DateTimeX::Easy->new("today", year => 2008, truncate => "hour");
# ... is the same as this:
DateTimeX::Easy->new(parse => "today", year => 2008, truncate => "hour");
Timezone processing can be a little complicated. Here are some examples:
DateTimeX::Easy->parse("today"); # Will use a floating timezone
DateTimeX::Easy->parse("2007-07-01 10:32:10"); # Will ALSO use a floating timezone
DateTimeX::Easy->parse("2007-07-01 10:32:10 US/Eastern"); # Will use US/Eastern as a timezone
DateTimeX::Easy->parse("2007-07-01 10:32:10 US/Eastern", time_zone => "?"); # Will again use US/Eastern as the timezone
DateTimeX::Easy->parse("2007-07-01 10:32:10", time_zone => "?"); # Will use the floating timezone
my $dt = DateTime->now->set_time_zone("US/Eastern");
DateTimeX::Easy->parse($dt); # Will use US/Eastern as the timezone
DateTimeX::Easy->parse($dt, time_zone => "floating"); # Will use a floating timezone
DateTimeX::Easy->parse($dt, time_zone => "PST8PDT"); # Will use "US/Pacific" as the timezone with NO conversion
# For example, "22:00 US/Eastern" will become "22:00 PST8PDT"
DateTimeX::Easy->parse($dt)->set_time_zone("PST8PDT"); # Will use "US/Pacific" as the timezone WITH conversion
# For example, "22:00 US/Eastern" will become "19:00 PST8PDT"
parse( ... )
parse_date( ... )
parse_datetime( ... )
date( ... )
datetime( ... )
new_date( ... )
new_datetime( ... )
Same syntax as above. See above for more information.
Although I really like using DateTimeX for date/time handling, I was often frustrated by its inability to parse even the simplest of date/time strings. There does exist a wide variety of DateTimeX::Format::* modules, but they all have different interfaces and different capabilities. Coming from a Date::Manip background, I wanted something that gave me the power of ParseDate while still returning a DateTimeX object. Most importantly, I wanted explicit control of the timezone setting at every step of the way. DateTimeX::Easy is the result.
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-datetime-easy at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc DateTimeX::Easy
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Copyright 2007 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.