File::Ignore - Ignore files that are good to ignore
Version 0.020
use File::Ignore;
if (File::Ignore->ignore($file)) {
# ... Skip ...
else {
# Continue to process...
my $good = File::Ignore->include(qw(src/RCS apple.Z doc/apple.txt tags .svn banana.html core));
for my $file (@$good) {
# doc/apple.txt
# banana.html
my $bad = File::Ignore->exclude([qw(src/RCS apple.Z doc/apple.txt tags .svn banana.html core)]);
for my $file (@$bad) {
# src/RCS
# apple.Z
# tags
# .svn
# core
File::Ignore->ignore( <file> )
Returns true if <file> is one of the ignoreable.
File::Ignore->include( <file>, <file>, ... )
Returns an array reference of each <file> that is NOT ignoreable (should be included)
File::Ignore->exclude( <file>, <file>, ... )
Returns an array reference of each <file> that IS ignoreable (should be excluded)
Returns a list of what is ignoreable. Currently, this is:
regexp category
RCS/ RCS rcs revision rsync
SCCS/ SCCS revision rsync sccs
CVS/ CVS cvs revision rsync
CVS.adm CVS\.adm cvs revision rsync
RCSLOG RCSLOG rcs revision rsync
cvslog.* cvslog\..* cvs revision rsync
tags tags ctags etags rsync
TAGS TAGS ctags etags rsync
.make.state \.make\.state make rsync
.nse_depinfo \.nse_depinfo rsync
*~ .*~ rsync
#* #.* rsync
.#* \.#.* rsync
,* ,.* rsync
_$* _\$.* rsync
*$ .*\$ rsync
*.old .*\.old backup rsync
*.bak .*\.bak backup rsync
*.BAK .*\.BAK backup rsync
*.orig .*\.orig backup rsync
*.rej .*\.rej patch rsync
.del-* \.del-.* rsync
*.a .*\.a object rsync
*.olb .*\.olb object rsync
*.o .*\.o object rsync
*.obj .*\.obj object rsync
*.so .*\.so object rsync
.exe \.exe object rsync
*.Z .*\.Z rsync
*.elc .*\.elc rsync
*.ln .*\.ln rsync
core core core rsync
.svn/ \.svn revision rsync svn
The above list was taken from rsync -C
Let me know if you have any thoughts on additions to this list or categorization.
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-file-ignore at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc File::Ignore
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Copyright 2007 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.