Getopt::Chain - Option and subcommand processing in the style svn(1) and git(1)
Version 0.002
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Chain;
# A partial, pseudo-reimplementation of git(1):
options => [qw/ version bare git-dir=s /]
run => sub {
my $context = shift;
my @arguments = @_; # Remaining, unparsed arguments
# ... do stuff before any subcommand ...
commands => {
init => {
options => [qw/ quiet|q --template=s /]
run => sub {
my $context = shift;
my @arguments = @_; # Again, remaining upparsed arguments
# ... do init stuff ...
commit => {
options => [qw/ all|a message|m=s /]
run => sub {
my $context = shift;
# ... do commit stuff ..
add => ...
help => ...
# The above will allow the following (example) usage:
# ./script --version
# ./script --git-dir path-to-repository init
# ./script --git-dir path-to-repository commit -a --message '...'
# ./script commit -m '~'
Getopt::Chain can be used to provide svn(1)
- and git(1)
-style option and subcommand processing. Any option specification covered by Getopt::Long is fair game.
TODO: Default values, option descriptions (like Getopt::Long::Descriptive) and constraints (validation).
CAVEAT: Unfortunately, Getopt::Long slurps up the entire arguments array at once. Usually, this isn't a problem (as Getopt::Chain uses pass_through). However, if a subcommand has an option with the same name or alias as an option for a parent, then that option won't be available for the subcommand. For example:
./script --verbose --revision 36 edit --revision 48 --file xyzzy.c
# Getopt::Chain will not associate the second --revision with "edit"
So, for now, try to use distinct option names/aliases :)
Finally, this code fairly new so aspects of the API *might* change (particularly abort/error-handling). Let me know if you're using it and have any suggestions.
Basic configuration
A Getopt::Chain configuration is pretty straightforward
Essentially you declare a command, which consists of (optional) <options> and an (optional) <run> subroutine (a CODE reference)
<options> should be an ARRAY reference consisting of a Getopt::Long specification
<run> should be a CODE reference which is a subroutine that accepts a Getopt::Chain::Context as the first argument and any remaining command-line arguments (left after option parsing) as the rest of @_
A third parameter exists, <commands> in which you associate a <name> with a command, consisting (recursively) of <options>, <run>, and <commands>
The <name> indicates what should be typed on the command-line to "trigger" the command (essentially a non-dashed argument). All-in-all, a configuration looks something like this:
options => [ ... ]
run => sub {}
commands => {
<name1> => {
options => [ ... ]
run => sub {}
commands => ...
<name2> => {
... Rinse, repeat, etc.
See SYNPOSIS for an example
Error-handling configuration
Alongside <options>, <run>, and <commands>, you can designate a third parameter, <error> which is a either a CODE or HASH reference
This is an error handler for dealing with the following situations:
option_processing_error A L<Getopt::Long> parsing error
have_remainder When a dash or dash-dash string remains on the argument stack without being processed
unknown_command When you've indicated that you want to accept a command but the user entered an unknown one
You can either give a single subroutine to deal with all three, or give a HASH with:
For more detail (for now), look at the source:
perldoc -m Getopt::Chain
Getopt::Chain->process( <arguments>, ... )
<arguments> should be an ARRAY reference
... should consist of a Getopt::Chain configuration
Getopt::Chain->process( ... )
@ARGV will be used for <arguments>
... should consist of a Getopt::Chain configuration
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
You can contribute or fork this project via GitHub:
git clone git:// Getopt-Chain
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-getopt-chain at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Getopt::Chain
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Copyright 2008 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.