Version 0.01
use Google::AJAX::Library;
my $library = Google::AJAX::Library->jquery;
# <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
You can also fetch or write-out the library content:
my $library = Google::AJAX::Library->new(name => "mootools", version => "1.8.1");
my $content = $library->fetch;
# Into a scalar:
my $content;
# To a filehandle:
# To a file:
# Check if a library exists at
# This will just do a HEAD request
Google::AJAX::Library is a module for accessing the Google AJAX Libaries API via Perl
You can find out more about the API here:
Google::AJAX::Library->jquery([ <version>, <extra> ])
Google::AJAX::Library->jQuery([ <version>, <extra> ])
Returns a jQuery library object of the given version
If no version is given or the given version is 0, then the latest version (1) will be used
You can pass through uncompressed =
1> to get the non-compacted .js
For example:
my $library = Google::AJAX::Library->jQuery(1.2, uncompressed => 1)
Google::AJAX::Library->prototype([ <version> ])
Returns a prototype library object of the given version
If no version is given or the given version is 0, then the latest version (1) will be used
A compressed .js is not offered at this time
Google::AJAX::Library->scriptaculous([ <version> ])
Returns a library object of the given version
If no version is given or the given version is 0, then the latest version (1) will be used
A compressed .js is not offered at this time
Google::AJAX::Library->mootools([ <version>, <extra> ])
Google::AJAX::Library->MooTools([ <version>, <extra> ])
Returns a MooTools library object of the given version
If no version is given or the given version is 0, then the latest version (1) will be used
You can pass through uncompressed =
1> to get the non-compacted .js
Google::AJAX::Library->dojo([ <version>, <extra> ])
Returns a Dojo library object of the given version
If no version is given or the given version is 0, then the latest version (1) will be used
You can pass through uncompressed =
1> to get the non-compacted .js
Returns the URI for $library
Returns the version of $library
Returns the name of $library (e.g. jquery, scriptaculous, etc.)
Returns the filename of $library (e.g. jquery.min.js, dojo/dojo.xd.js, etc.)
Returns a properly formatted HTML <script></script> entry for $library
Returns 1 if the $library (at the URI, including the specified version) exists at
Returns 0 otherwise
This method uses a HEAD request to do the checking
Returns the HTTP::Response of the GET request for $library
$library->fetch([ <to> ])
Attempts to GET $library
Returns the HTTP::Response decoded content If <to> is not given
If <to> is a SCALAR reference then the content will be put into <to>
This method is synonymous/interchangeable with write
$library->write( <to> )
Attempts to GET $library
If <to> is a GLOB reference then the content will be printed to <to>
If <to> is a filename (or Path::Class::File object) then the content will be printed to the filename specified<to>
This method will croak if $library couldn't be gotten from Google (e.g. 404)
This method is synonymous/interchangeable with fetch
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-google-ajax-library at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Google::AJAX::Library
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RT: CPAN's request tracker
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Copyright 2008 Robert Krimen
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.