Hash::Param - CGI/Catalyst::Request-like parameter-hash accessor/mutator
Version 0.03
my $params = Hash::Param->new(parameters => {
qw/a 1 b 2 c 3/,
d => [qw/4 5 6 7/],
$result = $params->param( a ) # Returns 1
$result = $params->param( d ) # Returns 4
@result = $params->param( d ) # Returns 4, 5, 6, 7
@result = $params->params # Returns a, b, c, d
$result = $params->params # Returns { a => , b => 2,
c => 3, d => [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }
@result = $params->params( a, b, d ) # Returns 1, 2, [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
%result = $params->slice( a, b ) # Returns a => 1, b => 2
$params->param( a => 8 ) # Sets a to 8
$params->param( a => 8, 9 ) # Sets a to [ 8, 9 ]
Hash::Param provides a CGI-param-like accessor/mutator for a hash
Hash::Param->new( [ params => <params>, is => <is> ] )
Returns a new Hash::Param object with the given parameters
<params> should be a HASH reference (the object will be initialized with an empty hash if none is given)
<is> should be either ro
or rw
to indicate where the object is read-only or read-write, respectively
The object will be read-write by default
$params->param( <param> )
Returns the value of <param>
If the <param> value is an ARRAY reference:
- In list context, returns every value of the ARRAY
- In scalar context, returns just the first value of the ARRAY
$params->param( <param> => <value> )
Sets the value of <param> to <value>
Throws an error if $params is read-only
$params->param( <param> => <value>, <value>, ... )
Sets the value of <param> to an ARRAY reference consisting of [ <value>, <value>, ... ]
Throws an error if $params is read-only
Returns a list of every param name
An alias for ->param
$params->params( <param>, <param>, ... )
Returns a list containing with value of each <param>
Returns an ARRAY reference in scalar context
If $params is read-only, then each ARRAY reference value will be copied first (if any)
Returns a hash of the parameters stored in $param
In scalar context, will return a HASH reference (which will be copied first if $params is read-only)
$params->params( <hash> )
Sets the parameters of $params via <hash> (which should be a HASH reference)
Throws an error if $params is read-only
An alias for ->params
$params->data( <hash> )
Sets the parameters of $params via <hash> (which should be a HASH reference)
Throws an error if $params is read-only
$params->get( <param> )
Returns the value of <param>
Does the same as $param->param( <param> )
$params->get( <param>, <param>, ... )
Returns a list containing with value of each <param>
Does the same as $param->params( <param>, <param>, ... )
Returns a hash of the parameters stored in $param
Does the same as $param->params
$params->slice( <param>, <param>, ... )
Returns a hash slice of <param>, <param>, ...
Returns a HASH reference in scalar context
If $params is read-only, then the slice will be cloned
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
You can contribute or fork this project via GitHub:
git clone git:// Hash-Param
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-hash-param at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Hash::Param
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Copyright 2008 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.