Path::Abstract::Underload - Path::Abstract without stringification overloading
use Path::Abstract::Underload;
my $path = Path::Abstract::Underload->new("/apple/banana");
# $parent is "/apple"
my $parent = $path->parent;
# $cherry is "/apple/banana/cherry.txt"
my $cherry = $path->child("cherry.txt");
This is a version of Path::Abstract without the magic "use overload ..." stringification.
Unfortunately, without overloading, you can't do this:
my $path = Path::Abstract::Underload->new("/a/path/to/somewhere");
print "$path\n"; # Will print out something like "Path::Abstract::Underload=SCALAR(0xdffaa0)\n"
You'll have to do this instead:
print $path->get, "\n"; Will print out "/a/path/to/somewhere\n"
# Note, you can also use $path->stringify or $path->path
# You could also do this (but it's safer to do one of the above):
print $$path, "\n";
Or, just use Path::Abstract
Documentation & usage
See Path::Abstract for documentation & usage