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Notification::Center - An observer/notification for Moose



        package Counter;

        use Moose;
        use Notification::Center;

        has count => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0 );

        sub inc {
            my ($self) = @_;
            $self->count( $self->count + 1 );
            my $mn = Notification::Center->default;
            $mn->notify( 'count', $self->count );

        sub dec {
            my ($self) = @_;
            $self->count( $self->count - 1 );
            my $mn = Notification::Center->default;
            $mn->notify( { event => 'count', data => $self->count } );

        no Moose;

        package TrackCount;

        use Moose;

        has count => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0 );

        sub print {
            my ($self) = @_;
            print $self->count;

        sub get_count {
            my ( $self, $count ) = @_;

        no Moose;

    my $count = Counter->new;

    my $mn = Notification::Center->default;
    my $tc = TrackCount->new;
            observer => $tc,
            event    => 'count',
            method   => 'get_count',

    for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
    for ( 1 .. 5 ) {

    $tc->print;    # 5

    or use IOC using Bread::Board
    use Bread::Board;

    my $c = container 'TestApp' => as {

        service 'fname' => 'Larry';
        service 'lname' => 'Wall';

        service 'notification_center' => (
            class     => 'Notification::Center',
            lifecycle => 'Singleton',

        service 'person' => (
            class        => 'Person',
            dependencies => {
                notification => depends_on('notification_center'),
                fname        => depends_on('fname'),
                lname        => depends_on('lname'),

        service 'upn' => (
            class        => 'UCPrintName',
            dependencies => { notification => depends_on('notification_center') },

        service 'pn' => (
            class        => 'PrintName',
            dependencies => { notification => depends_on('notification_center'), },

    my $pn     = $c->fetch('pn')->get;
    my $upn    = $c->fetch('upn')->get;
    my $person = $c->fetch('person')->get;
    my $nc     = $c->fetch('notification_center')->get;

    $nc->remove( { observer => $upn } );


An observer/notification center based on the objective-c NSNotificationCenter Class


The method creates a new instance of Notification::Center object


This method creates a singleton of the Notification::Center object


args keys: observer, event, method

observer: the object that will observer events

event: the name of the event that you are assigning the observer. Defaults to DEFAULT

method: the method you want called on the observer when the event is called. Defaults to update


args keys: observer, event

observer: the object that you want to remove

event: the name of the event that you are removing the observer. Defaults to DEFAULT


args keys : event, args

event: the event you want to trigger

args: data you want to pass into observers