Win32::GUI::UserGuide::Introduction - Introduction to Win32::GUI
What is Win32::GUI?
"Win32::GUI is a Win32-platform native graphical user interface toolkit for Perl. Basically, it's an XS implementation of most of the functions found in user32.dll and gdi32.dll, with an object oriented Perl interface and an event-based dialog model that mimic the functionality of visual basic.
It was a big fun for me to put it up, hope it will be a fun for you too :-)"
Where to get it?
The creator and chief maintainer of the Win32::GUI module is Aldo Calpini. The module and pertinent information can be found at (See below for more information.) "The module is actually in beta testing so be warned that syntax and behavior can change with future builds; and of course, that there are many incomplete parts, sparse documentation (you can browse here the work in progress), and generally a lot of things to do."
Other Information
There is a mailing list that you can use to ask questions or give your contribution to the module; I follow the mailing list very closely (as always, time permitting...). To subscribe, goto: and follow the instructions on screen."