Changes for version 0.11
- Released to perl-win32-gui-users for comment
- Wrote initial test suite
- Made API backward compatible with Win32::GUI::Hyperink v0.02
- Removed dependency on Win32::API - now we use it for additional functionality if it is available, otherwise we manage without. ShellExecute() is used if available (as it is faster and cleaner), but we fallback to using 'system start,$url'. LoadCursor is used is available, but if not we fallback to an inlined cursor. GetCapture is used if available - if it is not the the dynamic link underlining and onMouseIn/Out calls are not available.
- Added fallback cursor using Win32::GUI::BitmapInline, in case we cannot load the default windows cursor for any reason (e.g. we don't have access to Win32::API). If Win32::GUI::Bitmap::Inline is not available, then we simple don't change the cursor.
- Correct VERSION format to x.xx for CPAN modules
- removed Set/ReleaseCapture dependency on Win32::API, as these calls are already available in Win32::GUI 1.0
- Added Win32::GUI::Window::AddHyperLink function to allow for Win32::GUI's standard $parent->AddControl interface.
- Updated demo code to show new AddHyperLink usage
- Turned comments into pod documentation, and completed documentation
A Win32::GUI Hyperlink control