JMX::Jmx4Perl::Manual - Manual for jmx4perl
JMX (Java Management Extensions) is the standard management solution in the Java world. Since JDK 1.5 it is available in every Java Virtual Machine and especially JEE application servers use this technology intensively for exposing managable entities. In fact, the popular JEE Server JBoss 4 is based on a JMX kernel.
For the Perl world, it's not that easy to access JMX MBeans. MBeans are is the Java term for JMX managed entities. The existing solutions are mostly based on the Java standard JSR-160 (TODO: link), which defines how JMX can be accessed remotely. The problem of JSR-160 with respect to Perl is, that the default communication protocols rely on exchanging serialized Java objects. Hence they are required to start a Java Virtual Machine, in the one way or other. This has quite some implications concerning installation requirements (you need a Java virtual machine with the proper version installed) and performance (firing up a JVM is not something you get for free)
(TODO: add references to existing solutions like check_jmx ....)
The ultimate goal of jmx4perl is to bridge both worlds in the most simplest way. This is done with an agent based approach as described below. In short, the building blocks of this bridge are based on standards well known and used in both worlds: HTTP and JSON.
Another future goal is to provide an abstraction for accessing certain, commonly known MBeans for various supported JEE application server, which differ in naming from brand to brand. For now, the JEE servers supported are JBoss 4 & 5, Weblogic 10 and Glassfish as well as the pure servlet containers Jetty 6, Tomcat 5 & 6. Other platform might work as well, however they are not yet tested. Please let me know, when it works for you on other servers as well (which is highly likely due to the simplistic nature of the agent webapp).
jmx4perl is not an academic exercise. In fact, it originates from the need to let Nagios (a hopefully well known open source monitoring solution, see access JEE appliation servers in a painless way. You can find a nagios check in the scripts directory, which is a prefactored check directly usable in a Nagios setup.
MBean Features
JMX is a complex, which can not be completely revealed in this short documentation. Refer to for a JMX tutorial. But in short, once can distinguish three kind of operational modes:
- Attribute reading and writing
An MBean can have one or more attributes, which can be read and/or written. For the moment, jmx4perl supports reading of attributes only.
- Execution of operations
A MBean can expose certain operations, which can be executed via JMX calls. jmx4perl does not yet support execution of JMX operations, but this is on the roadmap.
- Notifications
Listeners can register to get notified for certain notifications by the MBeans. This is not yet supported by jmx4perl and it is technically quite challenging, since HTTP, our transport protocol, is a typical Request-Repsonse based protocol which is unidirectional. However, there are already ideas, how to overcome this limitation.
In short, jmx4perl supports only reading of attributes for the moment. In most cases this is sufficient for monitoring purposes, i.e. Nagios monitoring.
As mentioned above we are using an agent based approach. An agent based approach requires you to install a small Java Webapplication within your JEE application server. It registers itself locally to the JMX MBeanServer, and listens to HTTP requests whose results are translated into a JSON representation. This reponse can be easily picked up by a Perl module, JMX::Jmx4Perl in our case. This kind of approach differs from the canonical approach as suggested by the JMX specification itself quite a bit. It only works for application servers, where Java web applications can be deployed. Otherwise, it has also quite some advantages:
No special startup options for the JEE server are required for exposing JMX informations as it would be the case for exporting JMX via JSR-160 connectors.
No Java installation required on the client for using the agent
No overhead with regard to startup times of a JVM
Since the agent is a standard Java Webapplication it can be secured by standard JEE means like any other Webapplication.
Firewall friendly since all HTTP communication goes over a single port.
Only applicable for JEE Server or servlet container, where a WAR (Java Web Archive) can be deployed.
For now, only reading of MBean attributes is supported. However, support for writing of attributes and execution of operations are underway. Notifications are bit more involved, but chances are good that some sort of support will be incorporated into a future version as well.
There are several entry points for jmx4perl. The easiest is to start to play around with check_jmx4perl. This is a complete command lines tool tailored for usage with Nagios. Read its man page for the usage.
Next, JMX::Jmx4Perl is the entry module. Use it, if you need programmatically access to JMX.
Of course, you are free to access the agent servlet directly without the usage of the provided modules. A description of the request and response format can be found in the protocol description JMX::Jmx4Perl::Agent::Protocol.
As an supplement to the provided agent based approach, the more traditional way of using a JVM for remote communication would be a nice additional option. With help of modules like Java::Import
this should fit nicely in the provided API.
Support for attribute writing, execution of operations and (maybe) notifications.
Copyright (C) 2009 Roland Huss
Jmx4perl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
jmx4perl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with jmx4perl. If not, see
A commercial license is available as well. You can either apply the GPL or obtain a commercial license for closed source development. Please contact for further information.
Just in case you need professional support for jmx4perl (or Nagios or JMX in general), you might want to have a look at Contact for further information (or use the contact form at