JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::BaseHandler - Base package for product specific handler


This base class is used for specific JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product in order to provide some common functionality. Extends this package if you want to hook in your own product handler. Any module below JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product:: will be automatically picked up by JMX::Jmx4Perl.


$handler = JMX::Jmx4Perl::Product::MyHandler->new($jmx4perl);

Constructor which requires a JMX::Jmx4Perl object as single argument. If you overwrite this method in a subclass, dont forget to call SUPER::new, but normally there is little need for overwritting new.

$id = $handler->id()

Return the id of this handler, which must be unique among all handlers. This method is abstract and must be overwritten by a subclass

$id = $handler->name()

Return this handler's name. This method returns by default the id, but can be overwritten by a subclass to provide something more descriptive.

$version = $handler->version()

Get the version of the underlying application server or return undef if the version can not be determined. Please note, that this method can be only called after autodetect() has been called since this call is normally used to fill in that version number.

$is_product = $handler->autodetect()

Return true, if the appserver to which the given JMX::Jmx4Perl (at construction time) object is connected can be handled by this product handler. If this module detects that it definitely can not handler this application server, it returnd false. If an error occurs during autodectection, this method should return undef.

Print an informal message about the handler under question. Should be overwritten to print a more exhaustive description text

$can_jsr77 = $handler->jsr77()

Return true if the app server represented by this handler is an implementation of JSR77, which provides a well defined way how to access deployed applications and other stuff on a JEE Server. I.e. it defines how MBean representing this information has to be named. This base class returns false, but this method can be overwritten by a subclass.

($mbean,$attribute,$path) = $self->attribute_alias($alias)

Return the mbean and attribute name for an registered alias. A subclass should call this parent method if it doesn't know about this alias, since JVM specific MBeans are aliased here.

Returns undef if this product handler doesn't know about the provided alias.

$description = $self->info()

Get a textual description of the product handler. By default, it prints out the id, the version and well known properties known by the Java VM

$has_attribute = $handler->try_attribute($jmx4perl,$property,$object,$attribute,$path)

Internal method which tries to request an attribute. If it could not be found, it returns false.

The first arguments $property specifies an property of this object, which is set with the value of the found attribute or 0 if this attribute does not exist.

The server call is cached internally by examing $property. So, never change or set this property on this object manually.

$server_info = $handler->server_info()

Get's a textual description of the server. By default, this includes the id and the version, but can (and should) be overidden by a subclass to contain more specific information

jvm_info = $handler->jvm_info()

Get information which is based on well known MBeans which are available for every Virtual machine.


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