check_jmx4perl - Nagios check using jmx4perl for accessing JMX information


# Check used heap memory for absolute values
check_jmx4perl --url http://localhost:8888/j4p \
               --name memory_used \
               --mbean java.lang:type=Memory \
               --attribute HeapMemoryUsage \ 
               --path used \
               --critical 10000000 \
               --warning   5000000 

# Check for string values by comparing them literally
check_jmx4perl --url http://localhost::8888/j4p \
               --mbean myDomain:name=myMBean \
               --attribute stringAttribute \
               --string \
               --critical 'Stopped' \
               --warning '!Started'

# Check used heap memory for absolute values by using an alias
check_jmx4perl --url http://localhost:8888/j4p \
               --alias MEMORY_HEAP_USED \
               --critical 10000000 \
               --warning   5000000 

# Check that the used heap memory is below 80% of the available memory
check_jmx4perl --url http://localhost:8888/j4p \
               --alias MEMORY_HEAP_USED \
               --base MEMORY_HEAP_MAX \ 
               --critical :80

# Check that no more than 5 threads are started in a minute
check_jmx4perl --url http://localhost:8888/j4p \
               --alias THREAD_COUNT_STARTED \
               --delta 60 \
               --critical 5

# Execute a JMX operation on an MBean and use the return value for threshold
check_jmx4perl --url http://localhost:8888/j4p \
               --mbean jmx4perl:type=Runtime \
               --operation getNrQueriesFor \
               --critical 10 \
               "operation" \
               "java.lang:type=Memory" \


Command for providing Nagios conmpliant output for JMX response fetched via JMX::Jmx4Perl. It knows about critical (via --critical) and warning (via --warning) thresholds.

You can use direct string comparison when providing the option --string. In this case --critical and --warning are not treated as numerical values but as string types. They are compared literally against the value retrieved and yield the corresponding Nagios status if matched. If the threshold is given with a leading !, the condition is negated. E.g. a --critical '!Running' given returns a CRITICAL if the value is not equals to Running. As a final option you can also use a regular expression by using qr/.../ as threshold value (substitute ... with the pattern to used for comparison).

If the option --critical or --warning is either false or true, then the check switches into boolean mode. In this case the attribute or operation return value should be of boolean type which is compared against the threshold. E.g. a '--critical false' will trigger a CRITICAL status when the return value is false.

Values obtained from the server can be interpreteted as relative values when --base is given. The argument provided here is first tried as an alias name or checked as an absolute, numeric value. Alterntatively, you can use a ful MBean/Attribute/Path specification by using a / as separator, e.g.

... --base java.lang:type=Memory/HeapMemoryUsage/max ...

If one of these parts (the path is optional) contains a slash within it's name, the part must be URI encoded. I.e. all parts are URI decoded before usages as naming pattern. In any case, using an alias or direct MBean names, the base value is fetched first for calculating the relative value. For a numeric value given here this is of course not necessary.

--delta switches on incremental mode in which the difference between two following values is used. The optional argument are interpreted as seconds which are used for calculating the speed of growth. If not given, only the difference between the current and the latest value is taken. --delta doesn't work with --base.

With the option --operation a JMX operation is triggered and the return value used for threshold calculations. Additionally, if use an operation alias with --alias, you can ommit --operation and --mbean. Any arguments required for the operation need to be provided as additional arguments.


This file is part of jmx4perl.

Jmx4perl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

jmx4perl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with jmx4perl. If not, see <>.