Changes for version 0.60 - 2009-02-28

  • OSGi bundle (including dependencies) for exposing JSON export via the OSGi HTTP-Service. It's in agent/modules/j4p-osgi.
  • Refined error handling
  • Removed legacy JDK 1.4 support. 0.36 is the one and only version for which the JDK 1.4 backport has been tested to some amount.
  • Added support for overloaded JMX operations for 'list' and 'exec'
  • 'read' operation can now be used without attribute name in which case the value of all attributes is returned. This can be used directly with JMX::Jmx4Perl and the frontend jmx4perl.
  • Support for Resin 3.1 added
  • 'exec' operation can now deal with simple array arguments. Within the perl modules, give an array ref for an array argument. This gets translated to a comma separated list of values in the string. For string array this works only with simle content (i.e. no element containing a ',')


j4p agent protocol specification
Documentation for jmx4perl
Nagios check using jmx4perl for accessing JMX information
JMX access tools and modules


Access to JMX via Perl
JSON-HTTP based acess to a remote JMX agent
Specialized LWP::UserAgent adding authentication support
JMX alias names for jmx4perl
Internal object representing a concrete alias
Configuration file support for Jmx4Perl
Module for encapsulating the functionality of check_jmx4perl
Base package for product specific handler
Handler for Geronimo
Handler for Glassfish
Handler for JBoss
Handler for Jetty
Handler for Jonas
Handler for Resin
Handler for Apache Tomcat
Handler for Oracle WebLogic
Handler for IBM Websphere
A jmx4perl request
A jmx4perl response