Sport::Analytics::NHL::Util - Simple system-independent utilities
Provides simple system-independent utilities. For system-dependent utilities see Sports::Analytics::NHL::Tools .
use Sport::Analytics::NHL::Util qw(:debug :file);
debug "This is a debug message";
verbose "This is a verbose message";
my $content = read_file('some.file');
write_file($content, 'some.file');
$config = read_config('some.config');
By default nothing is exported. You can import the functions either by name, or by the tags listed below, or by tag ':all'.
:debug : debug verbose gamedebug timedebug eventdebug dumper
:file : read_file write_file read_config
:utils : my_uniq convert_hash_to_table lg fill_broken str3time numerify_structure
:format : alight_text_table shorten_float_item initialize normalize_string
:times : get_season_slash_string get_seconds get_time
:shortcuts : iterate_2
Produces message to the STDERR if the DEBUG level is set ($ENV{HOCKEYDB_DEBUG})
Produces message to the STDERR if the VERBOSE ($ENV{HOCKEYDB_VERBOSE})or the DEBUG level are set.
Reads a file into a scalar Arguments: the filename Returns: the scalar with the filename contents
Writes a file from a scalar, usually replacing the non-breaking space with regular space Arguments: the content scalar the filename Returns: the filename written
Reads a tabulated file into an array of arrays Arguments: the tabulated file Returns: array of arrays with the data
Fills a hash (player, event, etc.) with preset values. Usually happens with broken items. Arguments: * the item to fill * the hash with the preset values to use Returns: void.
Get the number of seconds in MM:SS string Arguments: the MM:SS string Returns: the number of seconds
Wraps around str2time to fix its parsing the pre-1969 dates to the same timestamp as their 100 years laters. Arguments: the str2time argument string Returns: the correct timestamp (negative for pre-1969)
An expansion of List::MoreUtils::uniq function that filters the items not only by their value, but by applying a function to that value. Effectively:
uniq @list == my_uniq { $_ } @list
Performs a string cleanup: replaces multiple whitespaces with one, trims edge whitespaces and converts the string to upper-case.
Argument: the string Returns: the normalize string
Center-aligns a table (2D-array) for future output, e.g. being converted to a fixed-font image and later sent via tweet.
Argument: the 2D-array to format Returns: the formatted text
Converts a multi-story hash reference to a table (2D-array) where the top row are the keys of the last story of the hash. I.e. something like this:
{ a => { b => 1, c => 1 }, d => { b => 2, c => 2 } }
[[b, c], [1, 1], [2, 2]]
Arguments: the hash to convert [optional] the partially populated table [optional] a hook (sub ref) to execute on each bottom hash [optional] forced fields for header row Returns: the 2D-array
A convenient wrapper around Data::Dumper, forcing certain values on some of the Data::Dumper constants, printing the origination of the dumping call and deviating to call HTML::Element->dump() on HTML::Element objects.
Arguments: whatever you want to dump Returns: void
Prepends debug output with an informative prefix and formats some information about the event being debugged.
Arguments: the event [optional] the prefix, defaults to 'eventdebug' Returns: void
Prepends debug output with an informative prefix and formats some information about the game being debugged.
Arguments: the game [optional] the prefix, defaults to 'gamedebug' Returns: void
Generates the string used by eventdebug() (q.v.)
Arguments: the event [optional] the prefix, defaults to 'eventqdebug' Returns: the debug string
Generates the string used by gamedebug() (q.v.)
Arguments: the game [optional] the prefix, defaults to 'eventdebug' Returns: the debug string
Generates a string consisting of the starting year slash ending year, e.g. 1987/88
Arguments: the YYYY of the starting year Returns: the slashed string
Creates a colon-separated time string from a number of seconds given
Arguments: the number of seconds [optional] the forced '--:--' string for zero Returns: the MM:SS string
Generates a full name where the given name is initialed and appended with the last name, e.g. Wayne Gretzky becomes 'W. Gretzky' .
Arguments: the name Returns: the initialized name
A shortcut to iterate over a two-dimensional array consisting of two vectors, most frequently game rosters
Arguments: the 2D array the optional sub-field where the vectors are stored the sub to apply to each vector member the arguments to the sub Returns: void, it runs the sub
Takes a 10-base logarithm of a number
Arguments: a number Returns: decimal logarithm
Scans a complex data structure recursively, enforcing the valid numerical string to be numbers by adding a 0 to them.
Arguments: the data structure Returns: void, modification in-place
Shortens a valid floating number to be no longer than 3 digits past the period, but no less than one digit.
Arguments: the reference to the floating number Returns: the shortened floating number
Produces debug output prepended by the current time as returned by current UNIX timestamp
Arguments: the debug string Returns: void, prints output to STDERR
read_config ($)
Utility function that reads the sharepoint configuration file of whitespace separated values.
Parameters: the configuration file
Returns: Hash of configuration parameters and their values.
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perldoc Sport::Analytics::NHL::Util
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