Acme::Mobile::Thurblings - count keystrokes to write mobile text messages


use Acme::Mobile::Thurblings;

$thurbs = count_thurblings("See u l8r");

# $thurbs == 23


This module counts the number of thurblings used to write mobile text messages. A thurbling is unit used to measure the number of actions (in this case keypresses or pauses) for people who like to optimize industrial processes.

So you can use this module to determine useless facts such as that it takes as many keypresses to write "later" or "great" as it does "l8r" and "gr8".

I have no idea if a "thurbling" is a real unit of measurement or just the figment of a former employer's imagination. (Internet searches for the term were fruitless.) But since this is an Acme module, it doesn't matter much.

The current version is case insensitive and assumes (by default) a particular brand of Nokia phone. (I have no idea which model it is; it was cheap, and it works, which is all I care about.)

A description of methods is below.

$obj = Acme::Mobile::Thurblings->new();

Used for the object-oriented interface. Only useful if you want to specify your own keypad:

open $fh, 'mykeypad.yml';
$obj = Acme::Mobile::Thurblings->new($fh);
$count = count_thurblings($message);

$count = $obj->count_thurblings($message);

Returns the number of "thurblings" (keystrokes) used to generate the message. A thurbling is either a keystroke, or the pause when one has to wait in order to enter multiple letters from the same key (such as with the word "high").

The default number of thurblings for waiting in the same key is 1. There is no way to change that value for this version.

This message is treated case-insensitively (so does not take into account keypresses to shift between upper- and lower-case).


Robert Rothenberg <rrwo at>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Robert Rothenberg. All Rights Reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.