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use utf8;
# ABSTRACT: The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from
use Moo;
use MooX::JSON_LD 'FollowAction';
use Ref::Util qw/ is_plain_hashref /;
our $VERSION = 'v0.0.2';
has followee => (
is => 'rw',
predicate => 1,
json_ld => 'followee',
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
SemanticWeb::Schema::FollowAction - The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from
=head1 VERSION
version v0.0.2
=for html The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object)
unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from.<br/><br/>
Related actions:<br/><br/> <ul> <li><a class="localLink"
href="http://schema.org/BefriendAction">BefriendAction</a>: Unlike
BefriendAction, FollowAction implies that the connection is <em>not</em>
necessarily reciprocal.</li> <li><a class="localLink"
href="http://schema.org/SubscribeAction">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike
SubscribeAction, FollowAction implies that the follower acts as an active
agent constantly/actively polling for updates.</li> <li><a
href="http://schema.org/RegisterAction">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike
RegisterAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in
continuing receiving updates from the object.</li> <li><a class="localLink"
href="http://schema.org/JoinAction">JoinAction</a>: Unlike JoinAction,
FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in getting updates from
the object.</li> <li><a class="localLink"
href="http://schema.org/TrackAction">TrackAction</a>: Unlike TrackAction,
FollowAction refers to the polling of updates of all aspects of animate
objects rather than the location of inanimate objects (e.g. you track a
package, but you don't follow it).</li> </ul>
=head2 C<followee>
A sub property of object. The person or organization being followed.
A followee should be one of the following types:
=item C<InstanceOf['SemanticWeb::Schema::Organization']>
=item C<InstanceOf['SemanticWeb::Schema::Person']>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Robert Rothenberg <rrwo@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Robert Rothenberg.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)