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Changes for version 1.01
- uses base
- updated to use Algorithm::SkipList
- uses Exporter
- List::SkipList v0.65 is required
- removed validate_key() methods from node types (for now)
- commented out Carp::Assert
- added reset method
- version conforms to proper Perl style
- added size method
- modified tests
- added stub for autosplit in Build.PL
Changes for version 1.00_2
- added Build.PL to distribution
- new method accepts a hash reference with attributes as well
- META.yml added to distribution
- List::SkipList v0.40 is required
- changed version number to properly be treated as a beta by CPAN
- fixed typo in README
- 1.00_b1 Nov 22 2003
- test cases rewritten
- testing against overlapping ranges (e.g. '2,3' when '1,4' defined) is fatal
- nodes can be redefined
- array references cannot be keys
- open-ended ranges are allowed
- removed warnings registration
- only a separator of ',' is supported
- customization of separator or comparison method done through defining a custom node class
- overlapping ranges is now a fatal error instead of warning
- added first_key, next_key methods
- requires Carp::Assert
- complete rewrite using List::SkipList instead of trees
Allows hashes to associate values with a range of keys
in lib/Tie/RangeHash.pm
in lib/Tie/RangeHash.pm
in lib/Tie/RangeHash.pm
in lib/Tie/RangeHash.pm