Sponsoring The Perl Toolchain Summit 2025: Help make this important event another success Learn more

use Sub::Exporter -setup =>
exports =>
our $VERSION = '1.10';
# -----------------------------------------------
sub add
my($self) = @_;
$self -> log(debug => 'Entered add');
return if ($self -> validate_post == 0);
my($id) = $self -> query -> param('target_id');
my($type) = $self -> param('id');
my($method) = "get_${type}_via_id";
my($entity) = $self -> param('db') -> $type -> $method($id);
my($entity_name) = $$entity{'name'};
my($result) = App::Office::Contacts::Util::Validator -> new
config => $self -> param('config'),
db => $self -> param('db'),
query => $self -> query,
) -> notes;
my($report) = $self -> param('view') -> notes -> report_add($self -> param('user_id'), $result, $type, $id, $entity_name);
return $self -> display($report);
} # End of add.
# -----------------------------------------------
sub cgiapp_init
my($self) = @_;
$self -> run_modes([qw/add delete/]);
} # End of cgiapp_init.
# -----------------------------------------------
sub delete
my($self) = @_;
$self -> log(debug => 'Entered delete');
return if ($self -> validate_post == 0);
my($id) = $self -> query -> param('target_id');
my($type) = $self -> param('id');
my($method_name) = "get_${type}_via_id";
my($entity) = $self -> param('db') -> $type -> $method_name($id);
my($entity_name) = $$entity{'name'};
my(@note_id) = split(/,/, $self -> query -> param('notes_id') );
# Discard the 0.
shift @note_id;
my($count) = $self -> param('db') -> notes -> delete($type, $id, @note_id);
$self -> display("Deleted $count note" . ($count == 1 ? '' : 's') . " for '$entity_name'");
} # End of delete.
# -----------------------------------------------
sub display
my($self, $report) = @_;
$self -> log(debug => 'Entered display');
return if ($self -> validate_post == 0);
my($id) = $self -> query -> param('target_id');
my($type) = $self -> param('id');
my($method) = "${type}_notes";
return $self -> $method($id, $report);
} # End of display.
# -----------------------------------------------
sub organization_notes
my($self, $id, $report) = @_;
$self -> log(debug => 'Entered organization_notes');
my($organization) = $self -> param('db') -> organization -> get_organization_via_id($id);
my($note) = $self -> param('db') -> notes -> get_notes('organizations', $id);
my($result) = $self -> param('view') -> notes -> display($id, $organization, $note, 'organization', $report);
return $result;
} # End of organization_notes.
# -----------------------------------------------
sub person_notes
my($self, $id, $report) = @_;
$self -> log(debug => 'Entered person_notes');
my($person) = $self -> param('db') -> person -> get_person_via_id($id);
my($note) = $self -> param('db') -> notes -> get_notes('people', $id);
my($result) = $self -> param('view') -> notes -> display($id, $person, $note, 'person', $report);
return $result;
} # End of person_notes.
# -----------------------------------------------