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# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
($] ge '5.005') ?
AUTHOR => 'Ron Savage (ron@savage.net.au)',
ABSTRACT => 'A template-free demo of CGI::Snapp using N run modes',
) : (),
clean =>
FILES => 'blib/* Makefile MANIFEST CGI-Snapp-Demo-Two*'
dist =>
COMPRESS => 'gzip',
SUFFIX => 'gz'
DISTNAME => 'CGI-Snapp-Demo-Two',
NAME => 'CGI::Snapp::Demo::Two',
PL_FILES => {},
CGI => 3.00,
CGI::Emulate::PSGI => 0.14,
CGI::Snapp => 1.02,
parent => 0,
# Don't make user install Plack.
# Plack => 0.9985,
# Starman => 0.3000,
strict => 1.03,
Test::More => 0.94,
Test::Pod => 1.44,
warnings => 1.03,
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/CGI/Snapp/Demo/Two.pm',