DBIx::Admin::TableInfo - A wrapper around DBI's table_info() and column_info()


use DBIx::Admin::TableInfo;

my($dbh) = DBI -> connect
    'DBI:mysql:mids:', 'root', 'pass',
        AutoCommit         => 1,
        PrintError         => 0,
        RaiseError         => 1,
        ShowErrorStatement => 1,
my($admin) = DBIx::Admin::TableInfo -> new(dbh => $dbh);
my($info)  = $admin -> info();

for my $table_name (@{$admin -> tables()})
    print "Table: $table_name\n";
    print "Table attributes\n";

    for (sort keys %{$$info{$table_name}{'attributes'} })
        print "$_: $$info{$table_name}{'attributes'}{$_}\n";

    print "\n";

    for my $column_name (@{$admin -> columns($table_name)})
        print "Column: $column_name\n";
        print "Column attributes\n";

        for (sort keys %{$$info{$table_name}{'columns'}{$column_name} })
            print "$_: $$info{$table_name}{'columns'}{$column_name}{$_}\n";

        print "\n";

    print "\n";


DBIx::Admin::TableInfo is a pure Perl module.

It is a wrapper around the DBI methods table_info() and column_info().


This module is available both as a Unix-style distro (*.tgz) and an ActiveState-style distro (*.ppd). The latter is shipped in a *.zip file.

See for details.

See for help on unpacking and installing each type of distro.

Constructor and initialization

new(...) returns a DBIx::Admin::TableInfo object.

This is the class's contructor.

Usage: DBIx::Admin::TableInfo -> new().

This method takes a set of parameters. Only the dbh parameter is mandatory.

For each parameter you wish to use, call new as new(param_1 => value_1, ...).


This is the value passed in as the catalog parameter to column_info(catalog, schema...).

The default value is undef.

undef was chosen because it given the best results with MySQL. The MySQL driver DBD::mysql V 2.9002 has a bug in it, in that it aborts if an empty string is used here, even though an empty string is used for the catalog parameter to table_info().

This parameter is optional.


This is the value passed in as the schema parameter to column_info(catalog, schema...).

The default value is undef.

See above for comments about undef.

This parameter is optional.


This is a database handle.

This parameter is mandatory.


This is the value passed in as the catalog parameter to table_info(catalog, schema...).

The default value is '' (the empty string).

See above for comments about empty strings.

This parameter is optional.


This is the value passed in as the schema parameter to table_info(catalog, schema...).

The default value is '' (the empty string).

See above for comments about empty strings.

This parameter is optional.

Method: columns($table_name, $by_position)

Returns an array ref of column names.

By default they are sorted by name.

However, if you pass in a true value for $by_position, they are sorted by the column attribute ORDINAL_POSITION.

Method: info()

Returns a hash ref of all available data.

The structure of this hash is described next:

First level: The keys are the names of the tables
my($info)       = $obj -> info();
my(@table_name) = sort keys %$info;

I use singular names for my arrays, hence @table_name rather than @table_names.

Second level: The keys are 'attributes' and 'columns'
my($table_attributes) = $$info{$table_name}{'attributes'};

This is a hash ref of the table's attributes.

my($columns) = $$info{$table_name}{'columns'};

This is a hash ref of the table's columns.

Third level: Table attributes
while ( ($name, $value) = each(%$table_attributes) )

For the attributes of the tables, there are no more levels in the hash ref.

Third level: The keys are the names of the columns.
my(@column_name) = sort keys %$columns;
Fourth level: Column attributes
for $column_name (@column_name)
    while ( ($name, $value) = each(%{$columns{$column_name} }) )

Method: tables()

Returns an array ref of table names.

They are sorted by name.

Example code

See the examples/ directory in the distro.

There are 2 demo programs:


It outputs all possible info in HTML.

It outputs all possible info in text.

Related Modules

I have written a set of modules - which are still being tested - under the DBIx::Admin::* namespace.

These will be released shortly, but the first release will only be for demonstration purposes.

They are based around the Model-View-Controller pattern.

DBIx::Admin is the Controller, DBIx::Admin::Model is the Model, and yes, DBIx::Admin::View is the Viewer.

They will form the core of myadmin.cgi V 2. See

Required Modules



See Changes.txt.


DBIx::Admin::TableInfo was written by Ron Savage <> in 2004.

Home page:


Australian copyright (c) 2004, Ron Savage. All rights reserved.

All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software';
you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of
The Artistic License, a copy of which is available at: