Changes for version 1.91 - 2010-09-15

  • Maintenance taken over by Ron Savage.
  • Version numbering changed to x.xx format.
  • Add Build.PL.
  • Rename Changes to CHANGES.
  • Move ./ into ./lib/DBIx/
  • Move ./ into ./t/test.t.
  • Move ./INSTALL.SQL into ./t/.
  • Add ./t/pod.t.
  • Remove execute bit from doc files.
  • Rewrite Makefile.PL.
  • Used (from Module::Metadata::Changes) to generate machine-readable Changelog.ini.
  • Patched as per RT#32461 (kindly reported (in 2008) by huhlig [...]
  • Eliminate usage of file ./PWD.
  • Fix t/*.t and examples/*.pl to use DBI_DSN, DBI_USER and DBI_PASS from the environment, if defined, or to default to SQLite. MySQL is no longer hard-coded anywhere.
  • Fix bug where when the constructor call includes both match_data and start_id, and the id of the match_data is not start_id, then the _do_query() method would fail to find a record, which meant both the callbacks passed in to the constructor (method and post_method), if defined, would be called with an undefined value for $param{item}. This meant the callbacks would be called one more time that they should have been. This faulty call took place before any valid call took place.


Perl module for generating a tree from a self-referential table