Changes for version 2.01
- Patch CPAN::Meta::Validator to not delete META.* (Module::Build does the dirty work).
- Add use strict/warnings to Build.PL, Makefile.PL.
- Fix typo in Makefile.PL prereq for Path::Tiny.
- Clean up pre-reqs, removing File::Slurp and Text::CSV::Slurp.
- Fix various typos which only affect the author.
Generate Graph::Easy::Marpa's html/index.html.
Run Graph::Easy::Marpa::Parser.
A Marpa-based parser for Graph::Easy::Marpa-style Graphviz files
A namespace for Graph::Easy::Marpa::Parser, called via Marpa
A Marpa-based parser for Graph::Easy::Marpa-style Graphviz files
Some utils to simplify testing
A Marpa-based parser for Graph::Easy::Marpa files
This is the default rendering engine for Graph::Easy::Marpa
Some utils to generate the demo page