Changes for version 2.17 - 2013-08-03
- Fix handling of record shapes. E.g. label => [] ignored global default shape 'Mrecord'. Thanx to Kent Fredric for this report. See RT#87560.
- Fix handling of the graph's default name. This is used in 'digraph $name {...}'. Previously, names like '' or '0' were ignored, and such values defaulted to 'Perl'.
- Add scripts/ to demonstrate setting record-style node attributes.
- Fix names of html/utf8*.svg and png files, as output by scripts/utf8*.pl.
- Fix scripts/ which generates scripts/generate.(png,svg).sh.
A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
Visualize a database schema as a graph
Visualize a data structure as a graph
Some utils to simplify testing and generating the demo page
Visualize N Perl class hierarchies as a graph
Visualize a Parse::RecDescent grammar as a graph
Visualize a Perl regular expression as a graph
Visualize a Set::FA::Element state transition table as a graph
Visualize XML as a graph
Visualize a yacc grammar as a graph
Visualize a yapp grammar as a graph
Some utils to generate the demo page