Changes for version 2.30 - 2014-08-05

  • Expand GraphViz2::DBI to associate foreign keys column names with the corresponding primary table's primary key name. Fallback is to the previous behaviour. See the FAQ for GraphViz2::DBI for details.
  • The new code requires DBIx::Admin::TableInfo V 3.00, and Lingua::EN::PluralToSingular V 0.14.
  • Add sequential numbers to the column names. There are actually the Graphviz port numbers. The table name is port 0.
  • Make foreign key edges point to the table name, rather than the primary key name. This shifts such edges from entering the right-hand side of the table to entering via the left, simplifying the image, since they no longer overlap with edges entering or leaving the right-hand side.


A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
Visualize a database schema as a graph
Visualize a data structure as a graph
Some utils to simplify testing and generating the demo page
Visualize N Perl class hierarchies as a graph
Visualize a Parse::RecDescent grammar as a graph
Visualize a Perl regular expression as a graph
Visualize a Set::FA::Element state transition table as a graph
Visualize XML as a graph
Visualize a yacc grammar as a graph
Visualize a yapp grammar as a graph
Some utils to generate the demo page