Changes for version 2.36 - 2015-10-06

  • Fix the default for the graph parameter in GraphViz2::Parse::Regexp, to be '' instead of {}. The {} tricked the 'if' in sub BUILD into not initializing the 'graph' attribute and hence forced the caller to provide a value. See RT#107566. Reported by Kevin Ryde.
  • Remove .gitignore from MANIFEST. Add it to MANIFEST.SKIP.


A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
Visualize a database schema as a graph
Visualize a data structure as a graph
Some utils to simplify testing and generating the demo page
Visualize N Perl class hierarchies as a graph
Visualize a Parse::RecDescent grammar as a graph
Visualize a Perl regular expression as a graph
Visualize a Set::FA::Element state transition table as a graph
Visualize XML as a graph
Visualize a yacc grammar as a graph
Visualize a yapp grammar as a graph
Some utils to generate the demo page