GraphViz2::Marpa::Lexer::DFA - A Perl lexer for Graphviz dot files


This module is called from GraphViz2::Marpa::Lexer.


GraphViz2::Marpa::Lexer::DFA provides a Set:FA::Element-based lexer for Graphviz (dot) graph definitions.

Demo lexer/parser output:

State Transition Table:

Command line options and object attributes:

My article on this set of modules:

The Marpa grammar as an image: This image was created with Graphviz via GraphViz2.


Install GraphViz2::Marpa as you would for any Perl module:


cpanm GraphViz2::Marpa

or run:

sudo cpan GraphViz2::Marpa

or unpack the distro, and then either:

perl Build.PL
./Build test
sudo ./Build install


perl Makefile.PL
make (or dmake or nmake)
make test
make install

Constructor and Initialization

new() is called as my($dfa) = GraphViz2::Marpa::Lexer::DFA -> new(k1 => v1, k2 => v2, ...).

It returns a new object of type GraphViz2::Marpa::Lexer::DFA.

Key-value pairs accepted in the parameter list (see corresponding methods for details [e.g. graph_text()]):

o graph_text => $string

Specify a string for the Graphviz (dot) graph definition.

Default: ''.

o logger => $logger

Specify a logger object to use.

Default: ''.

o report_stt => $Boolean

Log the State Transition Table.

Default: 0.

o start => $start_state_name

Specify the name of the start state.

There is no default. The code dies if a value is not supplied.

o state => $state_hashref

Specify the State Transition Table.

There is no default. The code dies if a value is not supplied.

o verbose => $Boolean

Specify the verbosity level in the call to Set::FA::Element.

The value is only used by the latter module when a logger is not passed to it from the current module.

Default: 0.



The [] indicate an optional parameter.

Get or set the Graphviz (dot) graph definition.

'graph_text' is a parameter to "new()". See "Constructor and Initialization" for details.


Returns a object of type Set::Array, which is an arrayref of items output by the DFA.

These items are not the same as the arrayref of items returned by the items() method in GraphViz2::Marpa::Parser, but they are the same as in GraphViz2::Marpa::Lexer.

Each element is a hashref with these keys:

o count => $integer

Just counts the items as 1 .. N.

o name => $string

Not used. Always ''.

o type => $string

The type of the token.

The range of values is documented in the lexer's FAQ item: How is the lexed graph stored in RAM?.

o value => $string

The value of the token from the input stream.


my(@items) = @{$dfa -> items};

log($level, $s)

Calls $self -> logger -> $level($s) if ($self -> logger).


Here, the [] indicate an optional parameter.

Get or set the logger object.


See "Constructor and Initialization" for details on the parameters accepted by "new()".


The [] indicate an optional parameter.

Get or set the value which determines whether or not to log the parsed state transition table (STT).

Calls "report()" in Set::FA::Element. Set min and max log levels to 'info' for this.

'report_stt' is a parameter to "new()". See "Constructor and Initialization" for details.


Runs the state machine.

Afterwards, you call "items()" to retrieve the arrayref of results.


The [] indicate an optional parameter.

Get or set the name of the state in which the STT starts.

'start' is a parameter to "new()". See "Constructor and Initialization" for details.


The [] indicate an optional parameter.

Get or set the hashref defining the STT.

'state' is a parameter to "new()". See "Constructor and Initialization" for details.


The [] indicate an optional parameter.

Get or set the verbosity level when calling Set::FA::Element.

'verbose' is a parameter to "new()". See "Constructor and Initialization" for details.

Machine-Readable Change Log

The file CHANGES was converted into Changelog.ini by Module::Metadata::Changes.

Version Numbers

Version numbers < 1.00 represent development versions. From 1.00 up, they are production versions.


Email the author, or log a bug on RT:


GraphViz2::Marpa was written by Ron Savage <> in 2012.

Home page:


Australian copyright (c) 2012, Ron Savage.

All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software';
you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of
The Artistic License, a copy of which is available at: