Javascript::MD5 - Calculate the MD5 digest of a CGI form field


This is a complete, runnable, tested program.


	use strict;
	use warnings;

	use CGI;
	use Javascript::MD5;

	# ------------------

	my($q)	= CGI -> new();
	my($p)	= $q -> param('password') || '';
	my($js)	= Javascript::MD5 -> new();

	print $q -> header(),
      $q -> start_html({script => $js -> javascript(), title => 'Javascript::MD5'}),
      $q -> h1({align => 'center'}, 'Javascript::MD5'),
      "Previous value: $p",
      $q -> br(),
      $q -> start_form({action => $q -> url(), name => 'md5'}),
      'Username: ',
      $q -> textfield({name => 'username', size => 50}),
      $q -> br(),
      'Password: ',
      $q -> password_field({name => 'password', size => 50}),
      $q -> br(),
      $q -> submit({onClick => 'return RetMD5()'}),
      $q -> end_form(),
      $q -> end_html();


Javascript::MD5 is a pure Perl module.

This module allows you to convert user input, eg a password, into the MD5 digest of that input.

This means the password itself need never be transmitted across the network - only the MD5 digest need be transmitted.


This module is available both as a Unix-style distro (*.tgz) and an ActiveState-style distro (*.ppd). The latter is shipped in a *.zip file.

See for details.

See for help on unpacking and installing each type of distro.

Constructor and initialization

new(...) returns a Javascript::MD5 object.

This is the class's contructor.

Usage: Javascript::MD5 -> new().

new() does not take any parameters.

Method: javascript()

Returns a block of Javascript which you must output as part of your HTML page.

See the Synopsis for one way to do this.

Example code

See the examples/ directory in the distro.

There is 1 demo file, md5.cgi.

This is a CGI script identical to the one in the synopsis.

Edit it to suit your circumstances.

Required Modules



Javascript::MD5 was written by Ron Savage <> in 2004.

Home page:


Australian copyright (c) 2004, Ron Savage. All rights reserved.

All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software';
you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of
The Artistic License, a copy of which is available at: