Changes for version 1.05 - 2014-10-22

  • Bump the required version of MarpaX::Grammar::Parser from V 1.04 to V 1.07. This is necessary because the latter version bumps the pre-req for Marpa::R2 to 2.096000, which allows usage of the 'forgiving' and 'latm' tokens.
  • Fix bug in handling unspecified attributes.
  • Regenerate demo files. This affects all output due to patches to MarpaX::Grammar::Parser.
  • Clean up visual breaks, which should have all be 50 chars long.


Convert a Marpa grammar into a image using GraphViz2.


Convert a Marpa grammar into an image
Helps generate the demo page for MarpaX::Grammar::GraphViz2
Helps generate the demo page for MarpaX::Grammar::GraphViz2
Helps generate the demo page for MarpaX::Grammar::GraphViz2