NAME - Convert a Marpa grammar into a image using GraphViz2.
SYNOPSIS [options]
-format imageFormat
-driver aGraphvizDriverName
-legend Boolean
-logger aLog::HandlerObject
-marpa_bnf_file aMarpaSLIF-DSLFileName
-maxlevel logOption1
-minlevel logOption2
-output_file anImageFileName
-user_bnf_file aUserSLIF-DSLFileName
-verbose $Boolean
Exit value: 0 for success, 1 for failure. Die upon error.
- o -driver aGraphvizDriverName
The name of the Graphviz program to provide to GraphViz2.
Default: 'dot'.
- o -format imageFormat
Specify the type of image to be created.
Default: 'svg'.
- o -help
Print help and exit.
- o -legend Boolean
Add a legend (1) to the graph, or omit it (0).
Default: 0 (no legend).
- o -logger aLog::HandlerObject
By default, an object is created which prints to STDOUT.
Set this to '' to stop logging.
Default: undef.
- o -marpa_bnf_file aMarpaSLIF-DSLFileName
Specify the name of Marpa's own SLIF-DSL file.
This file ships with Marpa::R2, in the meta/ directory. It's name is metag.bnf.
See share/metag.bnf.
This option is mandatory.
Default: ''.
- o -maxlevel logOption1
This option affects Log::Handler.
See the Log::handler docs.
Default: 'info'.
- o -minlevel logOption2
This option affects Log::Handler.
See the Log::handler docs.
Default: 'error'.
No lower levels are used.
- o -output_file anImageFileName
Specify the name of a file for the driver to write.
If '', the file is not written.
Default: ''.
- o -user_bnf_file aUserSLIF-DSLFileName
Specify the name of the file containing your Marpa::R2-style grammar.
See share/stringparser.bnf for a sample.
This option is mandatory.
Default: ''.
- o -verbose $Boolean
Display more or less during debugging.
Default: 0.