Revision history for Perl extension Manage::Module::Changes.
2.01 Mon Feb 21 18:30:00 2011
- Allow for a line in CHANGES to contain just 1 long token, without outputting a warning under recent Perls.
2.00 Tue Feb 15 14:59:00 2011
- Rewrite to allow client access to the memory-based version of Changelog.ini.
- Add scripts/ to demonstrate this feature.
- new() now takes a hash, not a hashref, since I've adopted the fabulous Hash::FieldHash.
- Replace eval{} with Try::Tiny.
- Only remove commas from lines which match /^\d/, since the digit(s) are assumed to be a version #,
and hence the commas are assumed to be embedded in dates.
- Discontinue convert() and convert_body(), which were available in V 1.
- What used to be convert() is now writer(reader() ).
- What used to be convert_body() is now transform().
- The default input file (under -c) is CHANGES, not ./CHANGES.
- The default input file (without -c) is Changelog.ini, not ./Changelog.ini.
- Add warnings to docs that config(), get_latest_release() and get_latest_version() must be called after read().
- Replace /usr/bin/perl with /usr/bin/env perl.
- Replace common::sense with use strict and use warnings, to get uninit var warnings.
- Replace Carp::croak with die.
- Use real version numbers instead of 0 in the required modules lists in Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
1.08 Sun Feb 21 12:56:13 2010
- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.
1.07 Wed Feb 10 13:53:00 2010
- Add META.yml. Update MANIFEST.SKIP. Add MANIFEST and MYMETA.yml.
1.06 Thu Nov 12 10:19:00 2009
- Run dos2unix on all files.
1.05 Thu Jul 8 10:08:00 2009
- Rename t/Changes to t/ because under MS Windows there is no difference
between the name t/Changes and the other test file t/CHANGES
- Patch t/02.convert.t to match
- Use File::HomeDir rather than relying on $ENV{'HOME'}
1.04 Wed Feb 18 11:46:00 2009
- Output 'Changelog.*' rather than 'Configlog.*' in the [Module] section of Changelog.ini
- Rename Changes.txt to CHANGES because won't display Changes.txt
- Rename t/*_*.t to t/*.*.t (since I prefer '.' to '_' in file names, because '_' is a shift char)
1.03 Tue Jul 22 14:41:00 2008
- Rename CHANGES to Changes.txt to match my other modules
1.02 Wed Jul 16 17:14:00 2008
- Patch Build.PL and Makefile.PL to depend on DateTime V 0.42 because a user (thanx Mark)
has reported a failed test with an earlier version
1.01 Fri May 16 09:12:00 2008
- Add Config::IniFiles to Build.PL and Makefile.PL
1.00 Fri May 02 15:15:45 2008
- Original version