Changes for version 3.06 - 2014-02-10
- Ron Savage is now co-maint.
- Remove 'require 5;' from the source. If you're running Perl V 4, you'll have even more problems now.
- Add a -t (timeout) parameter. The unit is seconds. Timeout defaults (as always) to 18,000 = 5 hours. This addresses RT#21582. Thanx to Ivor Williams for the 2006 report. Yes, it has been a regrettably long time, hasn't it?
- Remove spaces in option string passed to Getopt::Std. This addresses RT#44520. Thanx to Marek.Rouchal for the 2009 report. This problem was also noted in RT#55106. Thanx to COSMICNET for the 2010 report. This problem was also noted in RT#62939. Thanx to Allison Randal for the 2010 report.
- Add -d (dirs to include) and -e (dirs to exclude) parameters. This addresses RT#55106. Thanx to COSMICNET for the 2010 patch.
- Flag RT#59890 as not-an-error, since http://localhost:8020/pods/perlfaq is not (presumably) output by the code, and hence is not the jumping-off point for any within-FAQ links.
- Re-word error messages, and use die rather than a combination of die and Carp.
- Change licence from Perl to Artistic 2, since the Perl licence is not listed at
- Switch tests from using Test to Test::More.
- Move podwebserver script into bin/.
- Add Build.PL.
- Create repository on github and add to Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
- Add t/version.t.
- Add xt/author/pod.t.
- Expand docs slightly.
- Ensure port and timeout parameters are integers. Print help and exit if not.
- Expand help message.
- Include File::Spec in the pre-reqs. It's used by the new -d and -e options.
- Replace brief MANIFEST.SKIP with long version (copied from GraphViz2).
- Reformat this file so it can be read by Module::Metadata::Changes'
- Rename ChangeLog to Changes.
- Add Changelog.ini (output of
Minimal web server for local Perl documentation
in lib/Pod/
in lib/Pod/
in lib/Pod/
in lib/Pod/