Changes for version 1.00 - 2012-11-08
- Ron Savage is now co-maint.
- Warning for users of the Tree module, which also used to have a module called Tree::Binary: The Tree::Binary /distro/ V 1.00 (this one) contains Tree::Binary, and the Tree /distro/ V 1.04 contains Tree::Binary2.
- Incorporate patch kindly supplied by Karl Kastner 2009-04-05 as RT#44801.
- Add t/15_Tree_Binary_delete_test.t, which is one of the test programs supplied by Karl.
- Rename Changes to CHANGES
- Use (shipped with Module::Metadata::Changes) to add Changelog.ini to the distro.
- Reformat the dates in this file.
- Re-work Makefile.PL.
- Add Build.PL.
- Add META.json and META.yml.
- Add MYMETA.json and MYMETA.yml to my repository.
An Object Oriented Binary Tree for Perl
A Binary Search Tree for perl
A node for a Tree::Binary::Search tree
A Visitor base class for Tree::Binary::Visitor::* objects
Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
Visitor object for Tree::Binary objects
A factory object for dispensing Visitor objects