Changes for version 1.14 - 2016-08-07
- Add MIN_PERL_VERSION to Makefile.PL. Such a change is not worth a new release. Push to github.
- Some tests 'use', so for them add "use lib '.';" so when newer Perls default to not having '.' in @INC, the code will still find t/
- Lower pre-req for Test::More to V 1.001002.
- Add t/00.*.
- Update Makefile.PL and POD to change RT to github.
- Change license in Makefile.PL from artistic_2 to perl.
A transparent persistence layer for Tree and its children
The base class for the Tree persistence plugin hierarchy
The base class for DB plugins for Tree persistence
A handler for Tree persistence
The base class for File plugins for Tree persistence
A handler for Tree persistence
A handler for Tree persistence