BerkeleyDB::Easy - BerkeleyDB wrapper with Perlish interface and error handling


my $db = BerkeleyDB::Easy::Btree->new(
    -Filename => 'test-easy.db',
    -Flags    => DB_CREATE,

$db->put('foo', 'bar');

my $foo = $db->get('foo');

my $cur = $db->cursor;

while (my ($key, $val) = $cur->next) {



BerkeleyDB::Easy is a convenience wrapper around It will reduce the amount of boilerplate you have to write, with special focus on comprehensive and customizable error handling and logging, with minimal overhead.


When using BerkeleyDB, errors can be generated at many levels. The OS, the Perl interpreter, the BDB C library, and the module. Each of these need to be handled via different mechanisms, which can be quite a headache. This module attempts to consolidate and automate error handling at all these levels, so you don't have to think about it.

Errors are thrown as a versatile structured exception object. It is overloaded to stringify as a concise message, numberify into an error code, and has various methods for detailed handling.

use 5.010;
use BerkeleyDB::Easy;

my $db = BerkeleyDB::Easy::Btree->new();
my $err;

use Try::Tiny;
try { $db->get('asdf', 666) } catch { $err = $_ };

say $err;

    # [BerkeleyDB::Easy::Handle::get] EINVAL (22): Invalid argument.
    #   at line 16.

say 0 + $err;

    # 22

use Data::Dump;
dd $err;

    # bless({
    #   code    => 22,
    #   desc    => "Invalid argument",
    #   detail  => "DB_READ_COMMITTED, DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED and DB_RMW require locking",
    #   file    => "",
    #   level   => "BDB_ERROR",
    #   line    => 16,
    #   message => "Invalid argument. DB_READ_COMMITTED, DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED and "
    #            . "DB_RMW require locking",
    #   name    => "EINVAL",
    #   package => "main",
    #   string  => "[BerkeleyDB::Easy::Handle::get] EINVAL (22): Invalid argument. "
    #            . "DB_READ_COMMITTED, DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED and DB_RMW require locking "
    #            . "at line 16.",
    #   sub     => "BerkeleyDB::Easy::Handle::get",
    #   time    => 1409926665.1101,
    #   trace   => "at line 16.",
    # }, "BerkeleyDB::Easy::Error")


Wrapper methods are dynamically generated according to a declarative specification combined with user-configurable options. This way, dozens of (very similar) methods can be created without copy and paste coding, and features can be compiled in or out based on your criteria. By tailoring each wrapper to the underlying BerkeleyDB function and offering an optimization parameter, each wrapper uses the minimum number of ops to provide as little overhead as possible.

For example, here is the specification for BerkeleyDB::Easy::Handle::put()


The following fields are defined:

0  FUNC : the underlying function we are wrapping
1  RECV : parameters to our wrapper, passed by the end user
2  SEND : arguments we call FUNC with, often carried thru from RECV
3  SUCC : what to return on success
4  FAIL : what to return on failure
5  OPTI : integer specifying optimization level
6  FLAG : default flag to FUNC

As well as these single-letter aliases:

K  $key         |   R  $return       |   X  $x
V  $value       |   S  $status       |   Y  $y
F  $flags       |   T  1  ('True')   |   Z  $z
A  @_ ('All')   |   N  '' ('Nope')   |   U  undef

And so our wrapper delcaration expands to the following code:

sub put {
    my @err;
    local ($!, $^E);
    local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { @err = (BDB_FATAL, $_) };
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { @err = (BDB_WARN, $_) };
    undef $BerkeleyDB::Error;
    my ($self, $key, $value, $flags) = @_;
    my $status = BerkeleyDB::Common::db_put($self, $key, $value, $flags);
    $self->_log(@err) if @err;
    if ($status) {

In BerkeleyDB version < 4.6, there is no `exists()`, so we fake it:


Here, the optimization flag has been set to true. This results in:

sub exists {
    undef $BerkeleyDB::Error;
    my ($self, $key, $flags) = @_;
    my ($value);
    my $status = BerkeleyDB::Common::db_get($self, $key, $value, $flags);
    if ($status) {
        $self->_throw($status, undef, 1);

You can see that some (not all) of the error-checking has been compiled out. Namely, we are no longer catching warnings and exceptions from BerkeleyDB and only checking the status of its return value. This is normally enough to catch any errors from the module, as it will usually only die in special circumstances, so it would be reasonable to compile out these (expensive) extra checks if performance were important.

You can also see the difference between how the two methods operate. put() takes a key and value, and returns the value upon success and `undef` on failure. exists() takes only a key and returns `1` on success and an empty string on failure. Currently over 30 methods are defined this way, using a single line of code each. See the documentation for BerkeleyDB::Easy::Handle and BerkeleyDB::Easy::Cursor for a full listing.


This module is functional but unfinished, and not currently being worked on.


Rob Schaber, <robschaber at>


Copyright 2013 Rob Schaber.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.