Fix RT #107304: Newer versions of File::Path cause warning "_Inline for _Inline: No such file or directory at Module/ line 1339."
drop the dubious call to rmtree()
Fix RT106142: Preload dependencies for PDL and PDL::NiceSlice
adopted from a patch by Shawn Laffan, thanks Shawn!
Fix RT#106144: Preload dependencies for File::BOM)
adopted from a patch by Shawn Laffan, thanks Shawn!
Revise our stance on
A line of "use utf8;" just means "this file is encoded in UTF-8" and should _not_ result in scanning which will pull in the whole Unicode shebang (propery tables and what not). Yes, _doesn contain "require", but only inside an AUTOLOAD() that is _not_ triggered by calling functions like utf8::is_utf8().
OTOH the innocently looking one-liner
perl -ne 'print if /\pN/'
implicitly loads and triggers the AUTOLAD().
So prevent from being scanned and make the indicator for "I need the Unicode stuff" instead.
Cache the results of _get_preload('').