CGI::GuruMeditation -- Guru Meditation for CGIs


use CGI;
use CGI::GuruMeditation:


This is a small module accompanying the CGI module, allowing the display of an error screen (somewhat resembling the "Guru Meditation" from the good old AmigaOS) in case of abnormal termination of a CGI. The module simply installs a $SIG{__DIE__} handler which sends a HTTP response to STDOUT showing a HTML/CSS based screen which the Perl error message and optionally an excerpt from CGI's source code where the error occurred. This provides both optically more pleasant and functionally more elaborate error messages for CGIs.


This small module actually was a quick hack and proof of concept during the development of OSSP quos. It was later found useful and reusable enough for other CGIs.


Ralf S. Engelschall <>