MooseX::RelatedClasses - Parameterized role for related class attributes
This document describes version 0.002 of MooseX::RelatedClasses - released November 03, 2012 as part of MooseX-RelatedClasses.
# a related class...
package My::Framework::Thinger;
# ...
# our "parent" class...
package My::Framework;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
# with this...
with 'MooseX::RelatedClasses' => {
name => 'Thinger',
# ...we get:
has thinger_class => (
traits => [ Shortcuts ], # MooseX::AttributeShortcuts
is => 'lazy',
isa => PackageName, # MooseX::Types::Perl
default => sub { ... compose original class and traits ... },
has thinger_class_traits => (
traits => [ Shortcuts ], # MooseX::AttributeShortcuts
is => 'lazy',
isa => ArrayRef[PackageName],
default => sub { [ ] },
has original_thinger_class => (
traits => [ Shortcuts ], # MooseX::AttributeShortcuts
is => 'lazy',
coerce => 1,
isa => LoadableClass, # MooseX::Types::LoadableClass
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { 'My::Framework::Thinger' },
# multiple related classes can be handled in one shot:
with 'MooseX::RelatedClasses' => {
names => [ qw{ Thinger Dinger Finger } ],
# if you're using this role and the name of the class is _not_ your
# related namespace, then you can specify it:
with 'MooseX::RelatedClasses' => {
# e.g. My::Framework::Recorder::Thinger
name => 'Thinger',
namespace => 'My::Framework::Recorder',
# if you want to specify another class w/o any common namespace as
# related:
with 'MooseX::RelatedClasses' => {
namespace => undef,
name => 'LWP::UserAgent',
Have you ever built out a framework, or interface API of some sort, to discover either that you were hardcoding your related class names (not very extension-friendly) or writing the same code for the same type of attributes to specify what related classes you're using?
Alternatively, have you ever been using a framework, and wanted to tweak one tiny bit of behaviour in a subclass, only to realize it was written in such a way to make that difficult-to-impossible without a significant effort?
This package aims to end that, by providing an easy, flexible way of defining "related classes", their base class, and allowing traits to be specified.
This is early code!
This package is very new, and is still being vetted "in use", as it were. The documentation (or tests) may not be 100%, but it's in active use. Pull requests are happily received :)
See the SYNOPSIS for information; the tests are also useful here as well.
I _did_ warn you this is a very early release, right?
Parameterized roles accept parameters that influence their construction. This role accepts the following parameters.
The name of a class, without the prefix, to consider related. e.g. if My::Foo is our namespace and My::Foo::Bar is the related class:
name => 'Bar' the correct specification.
This parameter is optional, so long as either the names or all_in_namespace parameters are given.
names [ ... ]
One or more names that would be legal for the name parameter.
all_in_namespace (0|1)
True if all findable packages under the namespace should be used as related classes. Defaults to false.
The namespace our related classes live in. If this is not given explicitly, the name of the consuming class will be used as the namespace. If the consuming class is not available (e.g. it's being constructed by something other than a consumer), then this parameter is mandatory.
This parameter will also accept an explicit 'undef'. If this is the case, then related classes must be specified by their full name and it is an error to attempt to enable the all_in_namespace option.
with 'MooseX::RelatedClasses' => {
namespace => undef,
name => 'LWP::UserAgent',
...will provide the lwp__user_agent_class
, lwp__user_agent_traits
and original_lwp__user_agent_class
The Class::MOP / Moose MOP show the beginnings of this: with attributes or methods named a certain way (e.g. *_metaclass()) the class to be used for a particular thing (e.g. attribute metaclass) is stored in a fashion such that a subclass (or trait) may overwrite and provide a different class name to be used.
So too, here, we do this, but in a more flexible way: we track the original related class, any additional traits that should be applied, and the new (anonymous, typically) class name of the related class.
Another example is the (very useful and usable) Net::Amazon::EC2. It uses Moose, is nicely broken out into discrete classes, etc, but does not lend itself to easy on-the-fly extension by developers with traits.
Note that we use MooseX::Traitor to compose anonymous classes, so the "anonymous names" will look less like:
And more like:
Anonymous classes are only ever composed if traits for a related class are supplied.
The development version is on github at and may be cloned from git://
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
Chris Weyl <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Chris Weyl.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999