MooseX::TrackDirty::Attributes::Trait::Method::Accessor - Track dirtied attributes


version 0.90


use Moose;
use MooseX::TrackDirty::Attributes;

# one_is_dirty() is generated w/lazy_build
has one => (is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);

# dirtyness "accessor" is generated as two_isnt_clean()
has two => (is => 'rw', default => 'foo', dirty => 'two_isnt_clean');

# we do not track three's cleanliness
has three => (is => 'rw', default => 'foo', track_dirty => 0);

# ...etc


MooseX::TrackDirty::Attributes does the necessary metaclass fiddling to track if attributes are dirty; that is, if they're set to some value not from a builder, default, or construction. An attribute can be returned to a clean state by invoking its clearer.


This module should be considered alpha at the moment. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do this -- in particular, tracking attribute status with a hardcoded base class role feels, well, dirty... It seems like I should be able to use MooseX::Role::Parameterized to make this a touch more flexible.

I'll try to preserve this modules behaviour, but no promises at the moment.


Note that this is fairly crude; with few exceptions we can only track dirtiness at the very first level. That is, if you have an attribute that is a HashRef, we can tell that the _attribute_ is dirty iff the actual HashRef ref changes, but not if the HashRef's keys/values change. e.g. $self->hashref({ new => 'hash' }) would render the 'hashref' attribute dirty, but $self->hashref->{foo} = 'bar' would not.


Some attributes are designed to be used at this level; namely those that employ an attribute helper trait to interface with the lower-level bits directly. Support for tracking dirtiness at that level is in the works; right now Array and Hash trait helpers are tracked.


We install an attribute metaclass trait that provides three additional atttribute options, as well as wraps the generated clearer and writer/accessor methods of the attribute. By default, use'ing this module causes this trait to be installed for all attributes defined in the package.

track_dirty => (0|1)

If true (the default), we track this attrbutes dirtiness and wrap any generated clearer, setter or accessor methods.

dirty => Str

If set, create a "dirtiness accessor". Default is to not create one. If lazy_build is specified, a method is generated with "foo_is_dirty", where foo is the attribute name.

track_attribute_helpers_dirty => (0|1)

If true (the default), we also track any "writing" attribute helper methods installed by the native attribute traits. (e.g. Hash, Array, etc.)

Note that this goes deeper than general "dirtiness" tracking. w/o tracking attribute helpers, we only mark an attribute as dirty when a setter or accessor (used as a setter) is invoked.


Chris Weyl <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Chris Weyl.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999