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posy_static - Script which uses the Posy engine to generate static files.
This describes version 0.11 of posy_static.
posy_static --help | --manpage | --version
posy_static { --actions action } [ --config_dir dirname ] --data_dir dirname { --DayWeek2Name num=name } [ --debug_level num ] { --entry_actions action } { --file_extensions extension } [ --flavour_dir dirname ] --gen_type type [ --libdir dirname ] { --MonthNum2Name num=name } { --plugins plugin } [ --state_dir dirname ] --static_dir dirname --url url
This is a script which uses the Posy engine to generate multiple static files from a standard posy data collection.
- --actions action
The list of actions which Posy will perform. Only use this if you're using a plugin which requires inserting a new action. Note that if you do, you must specify every action to be performed; once the default actions are not being used, they must be replaced completely.
--actions init_params --actions parse_path --actions stop_if_not_found --actions set_config --actions index_entries --actions select_by_path --actions filter_by_date --actions sort_entries --actions content_type --actions head_template --actions dynamic_css_set --actions theme_css_set --actions flavour_menu_set --actions head_render --actions do_entry_actions --actions foot_template --actions foot_render --actions render_page
- --config_dir dirname
If you want your config files to be in a different directory to the data directory, then use this argument. This can be useful if you want to set different config values for static generation versus dynamic generation: use a different config_dir.
- --data_dir dirname
Where are this site's entries kept?
- --DayWeek2Name num=name
This is a hash which sets how a day-of-the-week number will be converted into a name. Set this if you want, for example, all weekdays to be truncated. Most of the time one can leave it at the default.
--DayWeek2Name 0=Sunday --DayWeek2Name 1=Monday --DayWeek2Name 2=Tuesday --DayWeek2Name 3=Wednesday --DayWeek2Name 4=Thursday --DayWeek2Name 5=Friday --DayWeek2Name 6=Saturday
- --debug_level number
Turn on debugging. The larger the number, the more verbose the output. (don't do this unless you're a developer)
- --entry_actions action
The list of actions which Posy will perform on each entry. Only use this if you're using a plugin which requires inserting a new action. Note that if you do, you must specify every action to be performed; once the default actions are not being used, they must be replaced completely.
--entry_actions header --entry_actions entry_template --entry_actions read_entry --entry_actions parse_entry --entry_actions short_body --entry_actions render_entry --entry_actions append_entry
- --file_extensions ext
If you wish to change the default file extensions, then use this argument. Generally one would only do this if one had added a plugin to deal with a new kind of file.
--file_extensions txt --file_extensions html --file_extensions blx
- --flavour_dir dirname
If you want your "flavour" template files to be in a different directory to the data directory, then use this argument.
--flavour_dir /files/www/posy/data/flavours
- --gen_type type
The type of pages to generate. The possible types are 'entry', 'category' or 'chrono'.
- --help
Print help message and exit.
- --libdir dirname
If you installed the Posy module in a non-standard place, then you need to tell this script where to look for it. Set --libdir to that directory.
For example, if the Posy.pm module is in /home/fred/perl/lib (that is, its full path is /home/fred/perl/lib/Posy.pm) then
--libdir '/home/fred/perl/lib'
This assumes that any Posy plugins are also under the same directory.
- --manpage
Print the full help documentation (manual page) and exit.
- --MonthNum2Name
This is a hash which sets how a month-number will be converted into a name. Use this if you want, for example, all month-names to be truncated.
--MonthNum2Name 1=January --MonthNum2Name 2=February --MonthNum2Name 3=March --MonthNum2Name 4=April --MonthNum2Name 5=May --MonthNum2Name 6=June --MonthNum2Name 7=July --MonthNum2Name 8=August --MonthNum2Name 9=September --MonthNum2Name 10=October --MonthNum2Name 11=November --MonthNum2Name 12=December
- --plugins plugin
If you wish to use any plugins, you must put them in the plugins list, as well as installing the actual plugin modules.
For example, if you are using the Posy::Plugin::TextTemplate module, then the TextTemplate.pm file should either be installed using the standard Build method, or you should just put the TextTemplate.pm file in the Posy/Plugin directory under Posy.pm
That is, if Posy.pm is in /home/fred/perl/lib/, then TextTemplate.pm should be in /home/fred/perl/lib/Posy/Plugin/
Then you add the name of the plugin to this plugins list.
--plugins Posy::Plugin::TextTemplate --plugins Posy::Plugin::TextToHTML
Remember that the order of plugins in the list is important if two plugins override the same function.
Note that this will always use the Posy::Core and Posy::Plugin::GenStatic plugins.
- --state_dir dirname
The directory where "state" information is put. The default value is ".state" under the data directory).
- --static_dir dirname
The directory where the output files are put.
- --url url
What is my preferred base URL for this site/blog? (needs to be set for static generation, even if you didn't need to set it for dynamic generation).
- --verbose
Print informational messages.
- --version
Print version information and exit.
perl(1) Getopt::Long Getopt::ArgvFile Pod::Usage
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author.
Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT)
perlkat AT katspace dot com
Copyright (c) 2004 by Kathryn Andersen
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.