Posy::Core - the core methods for the Posy generator


This describes version 0.93 of Posy::Core.


# implicitly
use Posy qw(Posy::Core Posy::Plugin::TextTemplate ...);

# or explicitly
require Posy;

@plugins = qw(Posy::Core Posy::Plugin::TextTemplate ...);


This is a simple website content management system inspired by the design of blosxom. The filesystem is the database, there are flavour templates, and plugins. However, this system doesn't require one to write one's entry files in a particular format; one can choose from pure HTML, plain text, or blosxom format. And other formats can be dealt with if one writes a plugin to deal with them.

Posy::Core provides the core functionality of the system. Other functions can be added and overridden by plugin modules.




run is the only method you should need to use from outside this module; other methods are called internally by this one.

This method orchestrates all the work; it creates a new object, and applies all the actions.

Arguments include:


The actions that should be performed by the Posy engine. If none are given, then the default sequence will be used.


The actions which should be performed on each entry. If none are given, then the default sequence will be used.


The directory to use as a prefix when setting the default locations of the data_dir, the flavour_dir, the config_dir and the state_dir. This is just for convenience; if those directories are given in the arguments, we use those. (default: the current directory)


The directory where the entry data is.


The directory where the state-related data is (what used to be "plugins/state" in blosxom).


The directory where the flavour template files are.


The directory where the configuration files are. Defaults to being the same as data_dir.


Setting the debug_level to something other then 0 will turn on varying levels of debugging output. The higher the number, the more voluminous the output (though generally most debugging messages are either level 1 or level 2).


Documentation for developers and those wishing to write plugins.


Make a new object. See "run" for the arguments.


Do some initialization of the object after it's created. Set up defaults for things which haven't been defined.

Plugin writers should override this method rather than "new" if they want to do some initialization for their plugin.



Do all the actions in the $self->{actions} list. (Called from "run").

Flow Action Methods

Methods implementing actions. All such methods expect a reference to a flow-state hash, and generally will update either that hash or the object itself, or both in the course of their running.


Parse the global parameters. Creates a CGI object in $self->{cgi} and checks whether we are in a CGI environment (dynamic) or not (static) and sets $self->{dynamic} and $self->{static} accordingly.

Note that "static" does not mean the same thing as with blosxom2; what actions are performed depend entirely on the $self->{actions} array; it won't be trying to generate all the files just because we aren't in CGI mode.

Sets $self->{url} if it isn't already set.

When this is not in dynamic mode, the parameters can be set (a) by passing them through the $self->{params} hash (by setting params=>{...} when calling "new" or "run"), and (b) by giving them on the command line (as "param=value" pairs). This can be useful for writing scripts that aren't CGI scripts. Note that the command-line values override the $self->{param} values.


Parse the PATH_INFO (or 'path' parameter) to get the parts of the path and figure out various bits of information about the path. If the path is undefined, uses DOCUMENT_URI or REDIRECT_URL.

This checks whether or not the requested file/directory exists under the data directory.

Sets $self->{path} hash as follows:


The original PATH_INFO or equivalent.


The type of the path: entry, top_entry, category, top_category chrono, file.


The path in unix style without the extension; used as a key in $self->{files}.


The extension of the actual entry file or "file" file.


The full path of the found file.


The base name of the file without directory or extension.


The directory (category) part of the path in unix style.


The depth of the file from the top directory.


The flavour of the request.


The path directory with underscores instead of slashes.


For "chrono" paths, the year part of the request.


For "chrono" paths, the month part of the request. Optional.


For "chrono" paths, the day part of the request. Optional.

Expects parameters to have been initialized (so that it can check $self->param('path') as well as PATH_INFO).

If it fails to parse the path, sets $self->{path}->{error} to true, and $self->{path}->{info} will be the only other part set. This can be used by later actions, such as "process_path_error".


If there was an error parsing the path ($self->{path}->{error} is true) then flag the actions to stop.

Also sends a 404 error if we are in dynamic mode; this assumes that if it can't parse the path, it can't find the file.

This is done as a separate action method so that it makes it easier to change this behaviour.



Set $self->{config} from the config files. Takes into account the path, but does not use chunk information; useful for setting global parameters.


Find the entries files, the "other" files, and the categories. This uses caching by default.

Expects $self->{path} and $self->{config} to be set.

Sets $self->{reindex} if full reindexing has been done.

This will do a full reindex if (a) there are no caches existing (b) the 'reindex' parameter is true

This will do a partial reindex (one category) if the 'reindex_cat' parameter is set to a category id.

This will delete missing files from the indexes if the 'delindex' parameter is true.

This will add a single new file to the index is it is not there, and it does exist, and it is the current path request.



Select entries by looking at the path information. Assumes that no entries have been selected before. Sets $flow_state->{entries}. Assumes it hasn't already been set.



Filter entries by looking at the date-time information in $self->{path}. Assumes that $flow_state->{entries} has already been populated; updates it.



Sort the selected entries (that is, $flow_state->{entries}) Checks $self->{config}->{sort_type} to determine the sort order. The possible types are: time, time_reversed, name, name_reversed, path, path_reversed (default: time_reversed)



Set the content_type content in $flow_state->{content_type}


$self->head_template($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state);

Set the head template in $flow_state->{head_template} This also sets the $self->{config} for head.



Set the foot template in $flow_state->{foot_template} This also sets the $self->{config} for foot.



$self->head_render($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state);

Interpolate the head template into the head content; Set the head content in $flow_state->{head}

If called as an entry action, will do nothing unless the current path type ($self->{path}->{type}) is an entry; if it is an entry, this will set the entry variables and override the previous call to head_render -- this can be used to enable entry-specific head stuff.



Interpolate the foot template into the foot content; Set the foot content in $flow_state->{foot}

If called as an entry action, will do nothing unless the current path type ($self->{path}->{type}) is an entry; if it is an entry, this will set the entry variables and set $flow_state->{foot}. If not called as an entry action, will not set $flow_state->{foot} if the path type is an entry and the foot has already been set.



Process the $self->{entry_action} list.



Put the page together by pasting together its parts in the $flow_state hash and print it (either to a file, or to STDOUT). If printing to a file, don't print content_type

Entry Action Methods

Methods implementing per-entry actions.


$self->count_or_stop($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state)

Increment the $flow_state->{entry_count} and stop the processing of this entry if it goes beyond the required number in $self->{config}->{num_entries}.


$self->read_entry($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state)

Reads in the current entry file. Sets $current_entry->{raw} with the contents.


$self->parse_entry($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state)

Parses $current_entry->{raw} into $current_entry->{title} and $current_entry->{body}. For HTML entries, it also sets $current_entry->{body_attrib} and $current_entry->{html_head}.

The template variables set are therefore:


The unaltered entry text.


The entry title.


The "body" content of the entry.


The contents of the <head> tag of a HTML entry, minus the <title> tag.


The attributes of the body tag.

$self->header($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state)

Sets the entry date vars for this entry, in $curent_entry. See "nice_date_time" for details.

Set the header content in $flow_state->{header} and add the header to @{$flow_state->{page_body}} if it is different to the previous header.


$self->entry_template($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state)

Set the entry template in $entry_state->{entry_template} This also sets the $self->{config} for entry.


$self->render_entry($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state)

Interpolate the current entry, replacing $current_entry->{body}.


$self->append_entry($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state)

Add $current_entry->{body} to @{$flow_state->{page_body}} (This is done as a separate step so that plugins can alter the entry before it's added to the page).

Helper Methods

Methods which can be called from within other methods.


my $value = $self->param($name);

Return or set global parameters.

This passes the arguments on to $self->{cgi}->param(); See CGI::Minimal for more information.


my %vars = $self->set_vars($flow_state);

my %vars = $self->set_vars($flow_state, $current_entry, $entry_state);

$content = $self->interpolate($chunk, $template, \%vars);

Sets variable hashes to be used in interpolation of templates.

This can be called from a flow action or from an entry action, and will use the given state hashes accordingly.

This sets the variable hash as follows:

  • $self->{name} where it is a simple value (eg 'url') -> $name

  • $self->{path}->{name} -> $path_name

  • $self->param('name') -> $param_<name>

  • $self->{config}->{name} -> $config_<name>

  • $flow_state->{name} -> $flow_<name>

  • $current_entry->{name} -> $entry_<name>

  • $entry_state->{name} -> $es_<name>


my $template = $self->get_template($chunk);

Get the template file for this state, taking into account $self->{path}->{cat_id}, $self->{path}->{type}, $self->{path}->{flavour}, $self->{path}->{basename} and of course $chunk

Returns (a copy of) the found template. This is so that the following actions can alter the template as they see fit.

Possible chunks are "content_type", "head", "header", "entry", "foot". The "header" and "entry" chunks are used during entry processing.

Also looks for alternative path-types (minus the 'top_')

The template files are called

  • chunk.path_type.basename.flavour

  • chunk.basename.flavour

  • chunk.path_type.flavour

  • chunk.flavour


my %config = $self->get_config($chunk);

Get the config settings for this state, taking into account $self->{path}->{cat_id}, $self->{path}->{type} $self->{path}->{basename} and $chunk

Possible chunks are nothing, "content_type", "head", "header", "entry", "foot".

The config files are called

  • path_type.chunk.basename.config

  • path_type.basename.config

  • chunk.basename.config

  • path_type.chunk.config

  • path_type.config

  • chunk.config

  • config

Returns a hash of cumulative config settings.



Read the given config file, and return a hash of config settings from it. The $filename is the full name of the file to read.

The config file is made up of name:value pairs of data.


$content = $self->interpolate($chunk, $template, \%vars);

Interpolate the contents of the vars hash with the template and return the result.

(This is passed the chunk name just in case a future plugin which overrides this method wishes to do something different depending on what chunk type it is.)


my %nice_vals = $self->nice_date_time($mtime);

Given a unixtime (in seconds since whenever it was) will return a hash containing the portions of the date-time:


The second.


The minute.


The hour (24-hour time).


The 4-digit year.


The number of the month (1-12).


The day of the month.


The day of the week (number).


The day of the week (name).


The month name.


Print a web-page header, with content-type and any extra things required for the header. The default status is $self->{path}->{status}, but this can be changed by using the 'status' argument if need be.

This is done as a separate method to enable it to be overridden by plugins such as Posy::Plugin::CgiCarp.


$self->debug($level, $message);

Print a debug message (for debugging). Checks $self->{'debug_level'} to see if the message should be printed or not.

Private Methods

Methods which may or may not be here in future.


For debugging: say who called this


($fullname, $ext) = $self->_find_file_and_ext($full_path_and_filebase);

Returns the full path file and the extentsion of the given path-plus-basename-of-file; if no matching entry file exists under the data directory, the returned values are empty strings.


Look for the given template with combination of features.


Look for the given config with combination of features.



This is a method called from a wrapper 'wanted' function inside the call to File::Find::find inside the index_entries method. This does all the work in indexing the entries.


Initialize the caching stuff used by index_entries


Reads the cached information used by index_entries


Saved the information gathered by index_entries to caches.


Given a unixtime (in seconds since whenever it was) will return an array containing the 4-digit year, the month (1-12) and the day of the month.


Figure out the full url.


Figure out the protocol. (taken from CGI::Simple)


And the server port.


And the server protocol.






perl(1). Posy


Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author.


Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT)
perlkat AT katspace dot com


Copyright (c) 2004-2005 by Kathryn Andersen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.