Posy::Plugin::StoryInfo - Posy plugin which gets suplementary information about stories from the story-entry itself.


This describes version 0.02 of Posy::Plugin::StoryInfo.


    @plugins = qw(Posy::Core


This plugin is an augmentation and specialization of Posy::Plugin::Info in that it extracts specialized Info data from the entry itself. This expects that the entry is a story, and therefore has a Title and an Author (and possibly a Summary and an AuthorEmail). Since stories often tend have some conventions in formatting this particular information, this plugin tries to guess that information from the story-entry itself, if the entry is HTML or plain text. This is only done, however, if the entry doesn't already have a .info file associated with it.

This expects Posy::Plugin::Info to also be installed.

This plugin replaces the 'info' method.

Note that this is not reccommended as a permanent setup, since .info files have been designed to be smaller and easier to parse, and extracting Info from entry-files will take longer than having the Info in .info files. It is, however, useful for extracting the initial information from the entry file, so it can then be put into an .info file.


This expects configuration settings in the $self->{config} hash, which, in the default Posy setup, can be defined in the main "config" file in the config directory.


If true, enable extraction of Info information from entries. (default: false)


The name of the Info field into which to put the Title information. (default: Title) Make it empty to not use this field.


The name of the Info field into which to put the author's first-name information is put. (default: Firstname) Make it empty to not use this field.


The name of the Info field into which to put the author's last-name information is put. (default: Lastname) Make it empty to not use this field.


The name of the Info field into which to put the author's email information is put. (default: AuthorEmail) Make it empty to not use this field.


The name of the Info field into which to put the Size information (number of K) (default: Size) Make it empty to not use this field.


Define additional fields to look for. The first part of the definition is the name of the Info field, and the second part is the string to look for which will contain the required information after it.

  Summary: 'Summary:'
  Category: 'Category:'
  Rating: 'Rating:'

This is really rather limited, but it does work with common formats.


Documentation for developers and those wishing to write plugins.


Do some initialization; make sure that default config values are set.

Helper Methods

Methods which can be called from within other methods.


my %vars = $self->info($entry_id);

Gets the .info fields related to the given entry.

my $val = $self->info($entry_id, field=>$name);

Get the value of the given .info field for this entry.

Private Methods

These methods may or may not be here in the future.


my %info = $self->story_info_get_info($entry_id);

Parse Info information from an entry file, assuming that it's a "story".


Extract info from a HTML entry file.


Extract info from a text entry file.


Installation needs will vary depending on the particular setup a person has.

Administrator, Automatic

If you are the administrator of the system, then the dead simple method of installing the modules is to use the CPAN or CPANPLUS system.

cpanp -i Posy::Plugin::StoryInfo

This will install this plugin in the usual places where modules get installed when one is using CPAN(PLUS).

Administrator, By Hand

If you are the administrator of the system, but don't wish to use the CPAN(PLUS) method, then this is for you. Take the *.tar.gz file and untar it in a suitable directory.

To install this module, run the following commands:

perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install

Or, if you're on a platform (like DOS or Windows) that doesn't like the "./" notation, you can do this:

perl Build.PL
perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build install

User With Shell Access

If you are a user on a system, and don't have root/administrator access, you need to install Posy somewhere other than the default place (since you don't have access to it). However, if you have shell access to the system, then you can install it in your home directory.

Say your home directory is "/home/fred", and you want to install the modules into a subdirectory called "perl".

Download the *.tar.gz file and untar it in a suitable directory.

perl Build.PL --install_base /home/fred/perl
./Build test
./Build install

This will install the files underneath /home/fred/perl.

You will then need to make sure that you alter the PERL5LIB variable to find the modules.

Therefore you will need to change the PERL5LIB variable to add /home/fred/perl/lib






perl(1). Posy


Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author.


Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT)
perlkat AT katspace dot com


Copyright (c) 2005 by Kathryn Andersen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.