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Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP - A drop in for
atalyst::Plugin::I18N::PathPrefix that uses GeoIP
# in
use Catalyst qw/
I18N I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP
__PACKAGE__->config('Plugin::I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP' => {
valid_languages => [qw/en de fr/],
fallback_language => 'en',
language_independent_paths => qr{
^( votes/ | captcha/numeric/ )
geoip_db => 'data/GeoLiteCity.dat',
# now the language is selected based on requests paths:
# -> sets $c->language to 'en',
# dispatcher sees /foo/bar
# -> sets $c->language to 'de',
# dispatcher sees /foo/bar
# -> sets $c->language to 'fr',
# dispatcher sees /foo/bar
# -> used GeoIP to sets $c->language
# If GeoIp dos not fain a mach it fails
# over to use language from
# Accept-Language header,
# dispatcher sees /foo/bar
# or if redirect_to_language_url == 1:
# where xx is language from Accept-Language header
# in a controller
sub language_switch : Private
# the template will display the language switch
$c->stash('language_switch' => $c->language_switch_options);
This module allows you to put the language selector as a prefix to the
path part of the request URI without requiring any modifications to the
controllers (like restructuring all the controllers to chain from a
common base controller).
(Internally it strips the language code from "$c->req->path" and appends
it to "$c->req->base" so that the invariant "$c->req->uri eq
$c->req->base . $c->req->path" still remains valid, but the dispatcher
does not see the language code - it uses "$c->req->path" only.)
Throughout this document 'language code' means ISO 639-1 2-letter
language codes, case insensitively (eg. 'en', 'de', 'it', 'EN'), just
like I18N::LangTags supports them.
Note: You have to load Catalyst::Plugin::I18N if you load this plugin.
Note: HTTP already have a standard way (ie. Accept-Language header) to
allow the user specify the language (s)he prefers the page to be
delivered in. Unfortunately users often don't set it properly, but more
importantly Googlebot does not really support it (but requires that you
always serve documents of the same language on the same URI). So if you
want a SEO-optimized multi-lingual site, you have to have different
(sub)domains for the different languages, or resort to putting the
language selector into the URL.
You can use these configuration options under the
'Plugin::I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP' key:
valid_languages => \@language_codes
The language codes that are accepted as path prefix.
fallback_language => $language_code
The fallback language code used if the URL contains no language prefix
and Catalyst::Plugin::I18N cannot auto-detect the preferred language
from the "Accept-Language" header or none of the detected languages are
found in "valid_languages".
language_independent_paths => $regex
If the URI path is matched by $regex, do not add language prefix and
ignore if there's one (and pretend as if the URI did not contain any
language prefix, ie. rewrite "$c->req->uri", "$c->req->base" and
"$c->req->path" to remove the prefix from them).
Use a regex that matches all your paths that return language independent
If you don't set this config option or you set it to an undefined value,
no paths will be handled as language independent ones.
redirect_to_language_url => 1
Redirect users to url with language prefix.
Without redirect_to_language_url users may access your site using bout
urls with a language selector and without. This may be bad for search
engine optimization because search engines will have a hard time
determine the original source for documents. Setting
redirect_to_language_url will redirect users to a url with language
debug => $boolean
If set to a true value, "prepare_path_prefix" logs its actions (using
Overridden (wrapped with an an "after" modifier) from "setup_finalize"
in Catalyst.
Sets up the package configuration.
Overridden (wrapped with an an "after" modifier) from "prepare_path" in
Calls "$c->prepare_path_prefix" after the original method.
Returns: N/A
If "$c->req->path" is matched by the "language_independent_paths"
configuration option then calls "$c->set_languages_from_language_prefix"
with the value of the "fallback_language" configuration option and
Otherwise, if "$c->req->path" starts with a language code listed in the
"valid_languages" configuration option, then splits language prefix from
"$c->req->path" then appends it to "$c->req->base" and calls
"$c->set_languages_from_language_prefix" with this language prefix.
Otherwise, it tries to select an appropriate language code:
* It picks the first language code "$c->languages" that is also
present in the "valid_languages" configuration option.
* If no such language code, uses the value of the "fallback_language"
configuration option.
Then appends this language code to "$c->req->base" and the path part of
"$c->req->uri", finally calls "$c->set_languages_from_language_prefix"
with that language code.
Returns: N/A
Sets "$c->languages" to $language_code.
Called from both "prepare_path_prefix" and "switch_language" (ie. always
called when "$c->languages" is set by this module).
You can wrap this method (using eg. the "after" in Moose method
modifier) so you can store the language code into the stash if you like:
after set_languages_from_language_prefix => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->stash('language' => $c->language);
$c->uri_for_in_language($language_code => @uri_for_args)
Returns: $uri_object
The same as "uri_for" in Catalyst but returns the URI with the
$language_code path prefix (independently of what the current language
Internally this method temporarily sets the paths in "$c->req", calls
"uri_for" in Catalyst then resets the paths. Ineffective, but you
usually call it very infrequently.
Note: You should not call this method to generate language-independent
paths, as it will generate invalid URLs currently (ie. the language
independent path prefixed with the language prefix).
Note: This module intentionally does not override "uri_for" in Catalyst
but provides this method instead: "uri_for" in Catalyst is usually
called many times per request, and most of the cases you want it to use
the current language; not overriding it can be a significant performance
saving. YMMV.
Returns: N/A
Changes "$c->req->base" to end with $language_code and calls
"$c->set_languages_from_language_prefix" with $language_code.
Useful if you want to switch the language later in the request
processing (eg. from a request parameter, from the session or from the
user object).
Returns: "{ $language_code => { name => $language_name, uri => $uri },
... }"
Returns a data structure that contains all the necessary data (language
code, name, URL of the same page) for displaying a language switch
widget on the page.
The data structure is a hashref with one key for each valid language
code (see the "valid_languages" config option) (in all-lowercase format)
and the value is a hashref that contains the following key-value pairs:
The localized (translated) name of the language. (The actual msgid
used in "$c->loc()" is the English name of the language, returned by
"name" in I18N::LangTags::List.)
url The URL of the equivalent of the current page in that language (ie.
the language prefix replaced).
You can find an example TT2 HTML template for the language switch
included in the distribution.
Returns: Array of valid language codes
"valid_languages" returns the language codes you configured in the
valid_languages configuration.
Useful if you want to go through all valid languages. For example to
make a sitemap.
Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::PathPrefix, Catalyst::Plugin::I18N,
PathPrefix: Norbert Buchmuller, "<norbi at"> PathPrefixGeoIP:
Runar Buvik: "<runarb at"> =head1 TODO
make "uri_for_in_language" work on language-independent URIs
support locales instead of language codes
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
"bug-catalyst-plugin-i18n-pathprefix at", or through the web
interface at
hPrefixGeoIP>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be
notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP
You can also look for information at:
* RT: CPAN's request tracker
* AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
* CPAN Ratings
* Search CPAN
Thanks for Larry Leszczynski for the idea of appending the language
prefix to "$c->req->base" after it's split off of "$c->req->path"
Thanks for Tomas (t0m) Doran <> for the code
reviews, improvement ideas and mentoring in general.
Copyright 2010 Norbert Buchmuller, Runar Buvik, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.